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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 595

It was really embarrassing. Elsie whispered in Wilson’s ear.

“Do I need to change my clothes? It won’t take much time anyway.”

Wilson gave a laugh.

“You already look quite beautiful now. With me, everyone knows that you’re my woman, no need to change.”

Because of this sentence, Elsie mustered her courage again. What was she afraid of?

She was Elsie Clarke. This was the evidence of the man she loved. She was not afraid. Elsie plucked up the courage like this and confidently came with Wilson to the restaurant to have a meal.

There was already ramen there that she liked.

Although it was just a bowl of simple ramen, Elsie felt sweet whenever she was eating it. She could not help but look at Wilson from time to time and was becoming more and more satisfied with the man in front of her.

How could there be such a perfect man who entirely met her requirements. God was so nice to her.

Elsie was thinking so. Half an hour later, she finally finished her breakfast. Wilson held her hand and they walked to a quiet place.

“Why did you keep looking at me when you were eating this morning? Did anything happen? Or was there something strange on my face.”

Wilson asked doubtfully. Elsie laughed mysteriously.

“Nothing. I just felt that the person in front of me looked really handsome and charming so I just wanted to look at you longer. If I wasn’t eating, I felt that I could stare at you for a long time as you’re really captivating.”

Wilson who had always been calm froze at this moment. Elsie suddenly laughed.

“You’re surprisingly afraid of being praised by me? Look, your ears are red now. Wilson, I thought you would never be shy. Tell me honestly, you like being praised by me, right?”

Wilson did not say anything and just moved forward while holding Elsie’s hand. Elsie kept laughing next to him.

“I know you like me to praise you but you’re too shy to admit it, right. It doesn’t matter. I’ll praise you every day in the future. Wait, it doesn’t sound right. This is not called praise since you’re truly excellent, handsome and the best person!”

Wilson reached out and rubbed Elsie’s hair. After the two of them walked inside the palace for a while, he spoke to Elsie.

“Go out with me for a walk, didn’t we agree? Today we’ll go out and have some fun. It’s just nice since those who aren’t happy to see us being so relaxed and at ease will take desperate action. Georgia has sent me a message, saying that Princess Anna is already thinking about it, maybe she will agree to cooperate with us. We have to act a little more relaxed.”

“Okay then, didn’t we say that before that we had to prepare gifts for Georgia and my elder sister. Let’s go shopping in these special local malls and buy some specialties and clothes in this area and bring home a little for them all.”

The two of them agreed. Later, with the help of some staff from Svero, they left the palace using a car.

Of course, they also asked a guide to go with them. The guide was not found outside, but the guide inside the palace who was in charge of welcoming and serving guests.

Svero was also considered a famous country. Usually, many foreigners would come and these people would generally bring their wives and children to Svero for a vacation.

Therefore, the official tour guides were always ready and they were good at introducing.

They first went to the largest shopping mall in Svero, which was also the most luxurious mall in this capital.

After Elsie went in, she found that the characteristic clothes of Svero could be found in every store. She excitedly went in to purchase and bought a lot of beautiful clothes using Wilson’s card.

Some were bought for Georgia while some were bought for her elder sister. Of course, she also bought clothes for herself. Although she seldom shopped, once after she started shopping, she was also quite lavish when buying clothes.

However, after buying some perfume and clothes, Elsie felt a little bored.

It was because many brands inside the mall could be found in her country so she did not need to buy these things. Elsie asked the guide.

“I feel there is nothing special in the mall. Could we go to the special place that can show the characteristic style of Svero?”

As the official guide of Svero, this guide naturally understood Elsie’s words. The guide smiled.

“Yes, let’s go to the parking lot. We can then drive for half an hour into a characteristic market. According to the words of your country, it should be called a haberdashery market. There are a lot of craftsmen who make their own works manually, ranging from clothing, painting or embroidery, or even clay figurines and sugar figurines. All these are the characteristic things in our country.”

“Then let’s go over there.”

Wilson agreed, of course. He and Elsie kept holding hands and went to that place by car.

After arriving there, Elsie looked around. It was an open-air super large square with many small vendors but everyone was enthusiastic and each vendor occupied a place of about 10 square metres.

“There are mainly handicrafts on the left side and there are refreshments on the right side. Which side do you guys want to go?”

Elsie did not feel hungry so she spoke to Wilson.


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