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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 638

A group of adults and children were playing snowball fights outside. Robert was wearing warm clothes, a hat, and even a scarf to take pictures of everyone.

Later, he took the video camera to shot the happy scene. Everything seemed so happy.

Even Sarah joined in at the end. Everyone laughed happily, as if there was no sorrow, and life was carefree.

In the new year, everything seemed to have a new start. After playing for half an hour, everyone was still unsatisfied. But Robert helplessly said to everyone by the side.

"Come in. Drink some ginger soup. If you continue to play like this, everyone will catch a cold tonight."

Georgia was a little unwilling to end it, but what Robert said was right. The two children couldn’t catch a cold.

She walked over and said to Annie and Wesley.

"Let’s go in. You guys already had a great time. Let’s go in to drink some ginger soup and some chicken soup to get us warm up. If you still want to play, how about afternoon?"

After Georgia finished speaking, Annie and Wesley nodded obediently.

"Mommy, I know. Let's go in now."

The two children were holding Georgia's hand. Everyone wore the gloves. They walked towards the house, but suddenly a snowball hit Georgia on the back.

Something even got into her clothes from her neck. Georgia turned her head to see. It turned out that Elsie threw a snowball to her. She even smiled triumphantly.

"What are you afraid of? We only played for half an hour. Even if we catch a cold, so what? On the first day of the new year, I am not afraid of catching a cold. Gigi, come on. Why are you and Robert so cautious? But Robert, just stay here. Don’t come over. Sister, do you still want to play it?"

Elsie asked Vanessa, who was standing not far away. Vanessa laughed helplessly. Georgia hadn't reacted yet. Then she suddenly saw Annie had made a snowball and hit Elsie.

"Elsie, I helped my mother to take revenge on you."

Georgia was helpless. Wilson had already made a snowball and handed it to Elsie.

"Come on. I'll be your back."

Then it was a melee. Georgia and the two children made the snowball, and then they had another snowball fights with Wilson and Elsie.

Later, Vanessa joined in Elsie.

Then, Sarah joined Georgia. Everyone was hit by snowballs.

They were so crazy. After playing like this for half an hour, Elsie finally surrendered first.

"I'm tired. Gigi, why did you keep throwing snowballs into my back? A lot of snow has gotten into my clothes from my neck. It's freezing cold. I want to take a shower and change my clothes."

"Didn't you hit me first?"

Georgia walked over and patted Elsie's back, where it was really cold.

"You are naughtier than Annie and Wesley. I think you will definitely catch a cold."

"It's okay. I haven't caught a cold for a long time. Let me experience this feeling."

Hearing what she said, Georgia felt helpless. Everyone went back to the house this time.

Of course, everyone hurriedly took a shower, then changed clothes and dried their hair. It was noon after all these things were done.

The chef had already prepared the lunch. It was a big lunch. But everyone honestly drank the ginger soup, and a small bowl of chicken soup.

After that, everyone went to the dining room to have lunch together.


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