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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 64

"Chester, it was you who kidnapped me at first. Otherwise, why would Mr. Knight deal with you? Later, you deliberately misled me that the man who had sex with me that night was Robert. Now you say that I harmed you. I feel you are really insane!"

Chester was slightly surprised, and then he laughed.

"Why did I lie to you about that thing? The man who was in your room that night was Robert. If your child is not his, it can only show that you have sex with the other man. It’s none of my business."

Chester satirized coldly, but Georgia felt that her whole body was chilling.

She couldn't think of why Chester was still cheating on her, but the paternity test report was the fact.

Georgia couldn't understand what went wrong. Chester already looked at the man behind him coldly.

"Georgia, I found these men specially for you. These are the beggars I found in some of the dirtiest garbage dumps in D City. I don’t know if these beggars had sex with other women before, but men have their instincts for women. If you have sex with them, even if Robert is interested in you, will he feel sick after he knows it?"

Chester gave a cold laugh. Georgia felt already cold all over.

"I have set up the camera. When you have a good time with these men, I will record it and give the video to your good sister. Georgia, don't worry. I will keep you alive."

After Chester finished speaking, he suddenly stepped forward and gave Georgia a medicine.

Georgia struggled in horror, but the medicine still went into her stomach.

Chester took a few steps back. He smiled triumphantly.

"This is the strongest aphrodisiac on the market right now. No one can resist it after taking it. Georgia, just accept your fate. You can't beat your sister... Anyway, after I finish this, your father and sister will give me money to get me out of here. You will never see me again!"

After saying this, Chester looked at a bunch of beggars in front of him.

"Leave her to you guys. Have a good time. As long as she is alive, you can do whatever you want. After it’s over, I will give each of you 10,000 dollars."

After saying this, Chester walked out.

At the moment the door was closed, Georgia looked at the empty warehouse and looked at the six men walking towards her. Georgia started to tremble all over.

However, fear only increased the excitement of the men. The six men walked directly to Georgia's side.

The sound of clothes shattering mixed with Georgia screams in horror.

The men had already untied the ropes on her body. But Georgia couldn't escape at all.

She watched she herself being surrounded by them. These filthy men stared at her as if she was the food in their mouths.

Georgia's struggles looked like ridiculous resistance, as if it was arousing their interest. Several men laughed mockingly. Even if they were beggars, at this moment, they enjoyed playing with the woman.

Georgia felt desperate. She almost wanted to hit the wall to die.

The medicinal effects in the body seemed to have started to work. Georgia found that her body was getting softer.

She didn't have the strength to struggle anymore.

Could she really have to be humiliated by these men today?

Huge despair swept through Georgia. She almost collapsed!



Georgia shouted in despair.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There seemed to be men's painful shouts in her ears. Georgia felt these hands on her body disappear.

She opened her eyes. Then she found that it was a man with a face full of beard. She could not see his face clearly. But he directly punched several other men to the ground.

Several other men shouted angrily.

"Idiot, are you crazy? What are you doing?"

"He is really stupid. I guess he hasn't touched a woman yet. Go away, Idiot. You don't want to enjoy it. We want to enjoy it!"

Several men talked and surrounded Idiot, preparing to drive Idiot away.

However, Idiot once again knocked several men to the ground.

Georgia watched five men were beaten to the ground by this man named Idiot. They vomited blood, looking extremely embarrassed!

She didn't even know if these men passed out or already died.

After a while, only Idiot and Georgia were left in the warehouse. After Idiot kicked the last man severely, he slowly walked in front of Georgia with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Gigi... Gigi..."

Georgia was dumbfounded. She couldn't stop crying.

The man in front of her was covered with dirt. The clothes he was wearing seemed to be taken out of a garbage dump. He was smelly. His face was full of beard, and was covered by his hair. Georgia couldn’t see his face.

However, the familiar voice made Georgia's heart ache violently.

The rope on her had already been untied. Georgia's hand was slowly placed on the man's face.

Georgia cried bitterly while she moved Idiot's beard and hair away.

"Travis, why did you become like this? What happened to you? What happened to you... You have disappeared for more than ten years. Why did you become like this...?"

Georgia cried very badly. Travis just held the woman in front of him blankly, and then kept shouting.


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