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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 663

Jasper's shriek made everyone so anxious.

Had it not been for the door to the ward being closed, Selena and Jasper's parents would have long since rushed in.

During this time, Jasper's voice came out intermittently. He seemed to be so painful. Everyone guessed that Jasper probably thought of his childhood memories.

They didn't know how long it passed. Maybe ten minutes. Maybe twenty minutes. Finally, the psychiatrist came out.

"Mr. Holland's condition is not stable. I suggest that you don't visit him in the ward for the time being. He needs to be alone."

After the psychiatrist said these words, Elliot asked anxiously.

"Is it very serious? How is he now?"

"Madam, your son thinks of many memories. These memories are very painful to him. I just chatted with him for a while. He is in his own world, but you can rest assured. He’s not crushed. You only need to accompany him in the next few days to go through this period of pain."

"Thank you."

Bailey thanked. Then everyone was relieved.

In fact, Jasper was already an adult. Even if he remembered all the past, he would not collapse or have mental problems like when he was a child. But it was impossible that he had no feelings. Fortunately, Jasper just needed to be left alone. After he adjusted his emotions, there should be no accidents.

Now Jasper's condition had stabilized. Bailey spoke to everyone.

"It's already so late. Go to the hotel to rest. We can't go inside and talk to Jasper now. Let’s go to have a good rest. We can only wait for him to calm down."

Georgia and Robert nodded, but only Selena hesitated. She wanted to see her brother, but she knew that she could not go in now.

Georgia took the initiative to hold Selena's hand.

"Go to rest first. Dan is still waiting for you in the hotel. Don't you miss him?"

Hearing that, Selena decided to go back first. Before leaving the hospital, Robert said to Georgia and Casey.

"What are you guys going to do with him? I heard that he has already woke up. Do you want to see him?"

"Robert, I don't want to see him. I have nothing to say with him. Even if I go to see him, I won’t be nice to him. If he has a heart attack again after hearing my words, I will become a sinner. But he is my grandfather! Am I going to retaliate against him now?"

Georgia laughed at herself. Casey said.

"You don't need to see him anymore. You don't owe him anything. It’s him who hurt you and your children. I will go to see him once. Don't worry. I will control myself."

Hearing that, Georgia and Robert naturally had no objection. The hotel was nearby. After arranging their bodyguards to protect Casey, Georgia and Robert returned to the hotel to rest. Casey had already arrived in the ward at this time.


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