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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 69

Vanessa felt that it was amazing. After disappearing for almost ten years, Travis should be back now in such a state.

She felt very sad when Georgia just simply explained the current situation of Travis.

In the past, Travis was the most handsome gentle boy in their school and was famous. Why would he become a fool and even a beggar?

Vanessa couldn't accept it. Anyone who heard it would find it incredible.

Vanessa was a friend of Georgia, and she could also be said to be a friend of Travis. They were always classmates before they went to college.

At that time, they had a good relationship with each other.

Now, seeing that Travis come back ten years later in such a situation, Vanessa was very sad.

"Vanessa, he is Travis. I won't mistake anyone for him. Follow me in and see him."

After Vanessa nodded, Georgia went in the ward with Vanessa.

"Travis, this is Vanessa. Do you still remember her? In the past, you called her Vanessa. We had a good relationship with each other."

After they came close to Travis, Georgia introduced Vanessa to him.

Travis raised his head, looked at Vanessa in a daze for several seconds and finally shook his head.

Georgia was somewhat disappointed. Then, she took Travis's hand and then introduced Vanessa to him with a smile.

"Travis, it doesn't matter that you don't remember her. I'll introduce her to you again. She is my friend and her name is Vanessa Cooke. You can call her Vanessa in the future."

This time, Travis smiled at Vanessa and spoke with a somewhat stiff voice.


However, Vanessa wanted very much to weep. When Georgia told her this on the phone, she still couldn't believe it.

Now, she really saw Travis. He looked old. His hair and beard were so long that his face was covered.

It was only then that she really realized what suffering he had experienced in the past ten years.

Besides, according to Gigi, when Gigi saw him, Travis was very dirty and was dressed in rags.

After trying hard to adjust her mood, Vanessa smiled at Travis.

"Hi, Travis, I'm Vanessa Cooke."

Travis didn't say anything. It appeared that he didn't have much interest in Vanessa. He was taking Georgia's hand. It seemed that he was very reluctant to leave her.

Finally, under the request of Georgia, Vanessa went to buy scissors and razors after paying the fees.

Travis was meek, so Georgia cut his hair and shaved him smoothly.

After that, his hair was extremely short and needed to be dealt with by barber.

Georgia decided that she would take Travis to the barber's after he could walk.

At more than ten o'clock in the evening, Georgia finally put Travis to bed. After that, she was going to leave the ward and talk.

However, before they could reach the door, someone suddenly knocked the door open.

Rachel rushed to Vanessa and slapped her directly in the face.

"Vanessa! You're a bitch! You and Alfred are together behind my back!"

After shouting these words angrily, she tried to slap Vanessa again.

Georgia finally realized what had happened and grabbed Rachel's arm.

"Rachel, are you crazy? Why do you run riot here?"

Rachel's eyes were red and wore a ferocious expression.

Looking at Georgia, she shouted angrily and loudly.

"Why do I run riot here? Ask her what she had done. Just a few days after I left, she should seduce Alfred behind my back. Today, Alfred even married her. So, what about me? What about me?"

"I grew up with Alfred. Then, she suddenly stole Alfred. Finally, she abandoned him, after which I accompanied him for six years. When he went through the hard times during these six years, I was always accompanying him and finally became his fiancée. Now, she stole him and registered for marriage with him. Vanessa, why are you so shameless?"

When she shouted the last few words, her face was covered with tears.

Georgia was surprised. Then she shouted angrily again.

"Rachel, what nonsense are you talking?"

When she just finished speaking, Vanessa took her wrist.

"Gigi, I'll explain it to you later. Let go of her. It's my fault..."

"You really married Alfred?"

Georgia asked in surprise. Vanessa nodded helplessly.

"Yes, I registered for marriage with Alfred today. It's my fault. If she wants to hit me, just let her do it."

It seemed that Vanessa gave herself up as hopeless. Georgia felt lost.

But how could she allow Rachel to beat Vanessa in her presence?

Georgia still grabbed the hands of Rachel and was going to ask her to get out of here.

Suddenly, Georgia saw someone rushed over and punched Rachel with such a great force that she fell to the ground.

Georgia turned around and saw Travis was about to punch Rachel again with a ferocious expression.

Vanessa and Georgia were scared. Rachel was in so much pain that she screamed.


Hearing her cry, Travis finally stopped his move. He turned around and looked at Georgia with aggrieved eyes.

"Gigi...She is bullying you...She is bullying you..."

Georgia understood what he meant.

It took her great effort to put Travis to sleep. However, Rachel suddenly rushed in, waking up Travis.

And she was in a conflict with Rachel. Travis must have thought that she was being bullied, so he rushed over and hit Rachel. Georgia tried hard to explain.

"Travis, I can deal with her, so I don't need your help...If I have to deal with someone I can't, I'll turn to you..."

After hearing it, Travis no longer looked aggrieved.


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