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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 93

She knew that Vanessa Cooke would definitely not be able to stand the humiliation, and now she collapsed so much that she wanted to commit suicide.

Shaking and grasping the doctor's hand, Georgia Lane asked worriedly.

"Is the patient who is sent in still in the emergency room? Is she still in danger?"

"Miss Lane, I am not working in the operating room, I don't know the situation now. Only when the results of the operation come out, I would keep you updated."

"Doctor, can I wait outside of emergency room? I know I need to recuperate, but I am really worried now."

The doctor pondered for a while.

"Ok, but you have to walk slowly and remember to keep calm. You must not to be overly excited or fall down due to an impact, otherwise you cannot carry the child."

Georgia nodded gratefully.

"Doctor, thank you, I will definitely pay attention to my body."

After the doctor left, Georgia slowly got off the bed, wore slippers, and then walked slowly to the elevator.

After that, Georgia sat on the chair outside the emergency room and waited anxiously.

After waiting for about half an hour, Georgia saw Vanessa was pushed out from emergency room.

She was lying on the bed with a pale face and her wrists were bandaged. Georgia felt relief when she saw Vanessa's transfusion bottle.

Vanessa survived, fortunately she was saved.

Walking slowly to the doctor, Georgia asked.

"Doctor, is she ok now? Is there any problem with her wrist? When will she wake up?"

Georgia asked a lot of questions anxiously which made the doctor become a little impatient.

"Miss, Miss Cooke’s operation was very successful, and the wound has been sewn up. In the next few days, just let her take a good rest. I didn't know how what was wrong with those young people. You guys all cut your wrists and committed suicide. Was it fun? "

The doctor left after saying that, and the nurse pushed the bed to the elevator.

Georgia followed the nurse. In the end, both Georgia and Vanessa's ward were arranged on the same floor.

After confirming that Vanessa was fine, Georgia also relaxed.

She also knew that she couldn’t be tired. After making sure the hospital arranged same floor ward for them, Georgia lay on the bed and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Georgia didn't wake up yet, she was so sleepy when someone patted her on the shoulder.

Opening her eyes, Georgia saw Vanessa was sitting next to her bed, and Georgia immediately became sober.

"Vanessa, is there any pain with your body? Do you want me to call a doctor? Does the wound hurt?"

Georgia asked a bunch of question to show her concern, but Vanessa said something in surprise.

"Gigi, don't worry about what happened on me today. S City hospital called me. They said Annie woke up today, told me that Annie was looking for her mother. We should go to S City hospital to check on Annie, she must miss us so much. I received the call during the daytime, and it's midnight now. I don't know if Annie is crying now. Won’t she be scared?"

As soon as Vanessa said a few words, Georgia was stunned for a moment but soon became excited.

"Vanessa, was that true? Did Annie really wake up?"

"Of course, it is true, Gigi. I emotionally broke down at the time. So, I cut my wrist impulsively. Then I heard the phone ring in a daze. At that moment, I didn’t know why I wanted to answer the phone. So, I climbed out of the bathroom to answer the phone. The nurse at S City hospital said that Annie woke up and was looking for her mother. I was so awake after hearing that. Why was I so stupid, how could I commit suicide? I still had Annie, and you. You guys were still there, how could I leave you?"

"So, I called 120 by myself and told them my condition and address. Later, the doctor sent me to the hospital. It is in the middle of the night now. I just called the nurse and no one answered it. They probably fell asleep... But now I really want to see Annie, Gigi, you must be in the same mood as me, let's go to S City now."

Georgia also wanted to go. She was about to get up and leave with Vanessa, but the doctor's warning was suddenly recalled in her mind.

Vanessa saw that Georgia did not move, so she asked.

"What's wrong? Gigi..."

"Oh, right, Gigi, how are you doing? You can’t go outside, can you?"

Vanessa realized at once and she asked concerned.

"Vanessa, the doctor said that I needed to recuperate now. It is midnight and the ticket is sold out. We should ask the doctor about the situation tomorrow, and then decide what to do next."

Vanessa was also in sober.

"You are right, I just had an operation, and you can't go out based on your current situation, and it's midnight, there is no tickets. I was really impulsive just now, but I missed her and worried about her so much. For almost a whole day, Annie doesn’t see us, and I’m not sure if Annie would cry or be afraid..."

Vanessa mumbled, and Georgia was also worried at the same time.

Annie was a clingy child. She was only five years old and courageous.

At the time just woke up, and the two mothers were not around her. How could Annie not be afraid?

"How about we make another phone call, maybe the nurse would answer the call this time."

She said to Vanessa.

"You are right, let’s try again."

Vanessa agreed, she took the mobile phone and called the nurse again.

The nurse didn't pick up at first time, but luckily she picked the phone up the second time.

"Miss Cooke, I am sorry, I just fell asleep, and why did you hang up the phone during the day? Annie cried hard after you hang up the phone, so I made up an excuse and told her that you were busy. She then relieved and fell back asleep till now.”

What the nurse said instantly comfort Vanessa, she put it on speaker so Georgia could also hear.

Knowing that Annie cried hard today, Georgia was very frustrated, but after she heard that Annie fell asleep now, she felt a bit better now.

Vanessa said to the nurse.

"Something happened on me during daytime, I’m not doing well and still in the hospital in D City. Miss Su, I will go to S City tomorrow. Can you tell Annie that I will come tomorrow to see her? Oh right, please give me a phone call as soon as Annie wakes up in the morning. I would talk to Annie, so she would feel assured. "


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