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Daddy's Love novel Chapter 28

Ana is really chirpy this morning and can't wait for me to go back to work. I asked her multiple times what did Jay bribe her with, but to no avail.

I got her a new stuffie yesterday for being a good girl and all but she seems a tad bit disinterested in it. She even forgot to put up the latest drawing that Carol made for her on her art board in her room.

Anyway, it's a relief dealing with a happy baby instead of a cranky one.

"Ready to go over to Jay's?" I ask her after breakfast the next morning.

"Yay! Daddy? Can I stay over tonight?" She asks me.

"Huh?" I am slightly surprised.

"Can I stay the night with Carol?" She asks me again.

"You.... Want to? You won't be scared in the middle of the night? What if you need a change?" I ask.

"Uncle Jay will help me. Also, I am big girl." She says stretching her hands wide, to show me how big she is. She is adorable. I kiss her cheek.

"That you are my love. Is that what uncle Jay told you? Hmm? That's why you decided to let daddy go to work?"

"Nope." She grins. I sigh. How is he so good with littles? And when is he planning to go back to work, I wonder. What will happen then? I don't want to leave the kids with a baby sitter. I'll talk to my boss about working from home and everything today.

"Would you wait here, while I pack a quick overnight bag for you? Hmm?"

"Yes daddy! Thankssss!" She hugs me. "You be the best!"

"Am I?" I kiss her.

I quickly pack a bag and then drop her over to Jay's. I plan on going out for a couple of drinks with my work friends who I hardly socialise with these days, since Ana will be at Jay's.

After work, I video call Ana and she is impatient to go back to whatever she was doing. I wonder what is she playing that's got her so interested.

All I am getting from her is quick one work hurried answers. It's.... annoying. She doesn't miss me even one bit it seems.

After, I talk to Jay and he is too casual for my liking. What is happening?

I come back home late into the night, positively sloshed and crash on the bed.

Next morning, I rush to Jay's to bring Ana back home. It's a Sunday so thankfully I'll be getting to spend the entire day with my baby.

I get a reluctant Ana back home.

"What's the matter baby? Why are you pouting?"

She shrugs.

"You're not happy we get to spend the entire day together after two long days?"

"Of course, I am daddy! What will we do?" She asks cheering up.


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