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Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys Novel novel Chapter 344


Chapter 344

Meanwhile, Florence was frantically rummaging through the drawers and cabinets in the Nicholson Villa to pack up their things.

“Dahlia, quick! Go and get all the jewelry we have in the house! We can’t stay in Swinton anymore. Let’s quickly pack up and flee abroad for the time being. I’ve already bought the flight tickets. We still have several million dollars of savings and some valuables at home. Those will be enough for

us to survive for a while.” Florence was on tenterhooks.

Dahlia’s breach of promise had not only humiliated the Langfords but also offended the Glenstead

Nicholsons. Even if they were in Stonia, Dahlia and the rest wouldn’t be able to find a safe place to

stay, let alone in a small place like Swinton.

When Florence saw that Dahlia wasn’t responding to her, she became even more anxious. “Dahlia! What are you waiting for? Quickly pack your stuff!”

“Mom, the matter has yet to reach that extreme. We don’t need to run away.” Dahlia shook her head.

“Alas, don’t you realize how serious the current situation is?” Florence slapped her forehead in frustration. “It’s the Langfords, the cream of Stonia, that we have fallen out with! They are a terrifying existence. How can they possibly let us go when we Nave gotten them hot under the collar?”

“I understand what you’re trying to say. But Dustin said that he has a way to solve the problem. I believe in him,” Dahlia replied firmly.

“Are you crazy? How can you put your trust in that loser?” Florence was breathing fire at that point.

“Who does he think he is to go against the Langfords? If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have run away from the wedding, and we wouldn’t have come to this point. He’s simply a jinx!”

The Nicholsons could have led a silk-stocking life. However, Dustin ruined everything in the end. Florence just hated him to the core.

Dahlia frowned. “Mom! I breached the marriage promise on my own accord. It has nothing to do. with Dustin!”

“You’re still defending him at times like this? Do you have to wait until our family is destroyed in his hands for you to come to your senses?” Florence asked bitterly.


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