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Dark Secrets of the Blind Husband novel Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037 Triggers and Temptations

Beckham shook his head.

“You’re young. It’s only too late if you’re at my age and in my situation. If I had been braver, smarter, and tried harder when I was young, maybe the situation would have changed.”

With a hint of regret in his eyes, the man continued, I had so much time, so many years… and yet I never noticed her existence… It was already too late when I finally found her. You’re luckier than me. At least you know she’s still alive. She’s still living somewhere out there.”

Lennon forced a bitter smile.

“I’m still going to do what I can. It’s just that…”

For Lucy, perhaps even doing whatever he could was far from enough.

The harm he caused to her was irreversible.

Even though he only realized how much he had hurt her in the end.

“Keep going.”

Beckham clinked his glass against Lennon’s lightly to encourage him.

Cherise followed Damien’s lead and clinked her glass with Beckham, followed by Lennon. “Mr. Belcourt, I don’t know what you’ve been through. But don’t lose hope. You can do it!”

Lennon chuckled self-deprecatingly. “I will.”

After dinner, Cherise and Damien sent the two men qut.

“I hope I’ll get my memories back quickly.”

With a hand resting against Damien’s arm, Cherise watched as they drove away. “I feel like I’m living in a fishbowl.”

Damien raised his hand and pinched her cheek. “Why do you feel like you’re in a fishbowl

“I feel like a fool, completely isolated from the world. I have no idea what happened to Lu know what happened to Lennon, and I don’t know what happened to Dad. The more I mec are related to me in the past, the more I feel that losing my memory is a terrifying thing.”

Damien smiled and gently clasped his large hand over hers. “Don’t worry. You’ll remember eve sooner or later.”

Cherise pouted. “I really wish I could wake up with all my memories restored.”

The man frowned as he remembered something. He looked down at Cherise.

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Chapter 1037 1

Chapter 1037 2


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