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Dealing with a Billionaire novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Where Did You Go Last Night

The early morning sunshine, with a touch of warmth through the gauze curtains, fall on the luxurious queen bed. On the snow-white sheet, Nina's long, silky hair is already tangled and the body is covered in bruises.

Her long lashes covers the clear eyes, under the small white nose, pink lips are stained with some blood trace.

With a gentle groan, Nina Morrison wakes up, feeling a pain in her head and aching all over her body.

With her bright eyes up, Nina covers her mouth with her hand while in shock! An exclamation is pressed deep in the throat!

Beside her lies a strong man that makes her suddenly stare at him with beautiful eyes!

The scene last night is replaying in her head like a movie. The wild looting and biting, the endless pain and suffering, all of that made Nina Morrison tremble all over!

With tears falling out of control, she climbs down the queen bed, picks off the skirt to wrap herself, but only to find that the skirt is torn into strands of cloth! From the rag-like torn skirt, it is not hard to see the unsympathetic tear force.

What is she going to do! The man in bed could wake up any minute, and she has to get out of the room as soon as possible!

Amid the clutter of clothes on the ground, a white, masculine shirt was tangled with her dress, and Nina hold her arms tightly to her chest, covers her body, and creeps slowly down the bed. She gently picks up the white shirt with the slowest movement.

The man behind her is still asleep without a sound. That gives Nina Morrison a little peace of mind.

She picks up a piece of torn cloth from the dress and ties it around the waist. The long, big shirt suddenly becomes a shirt skirt that can wear going out. Nina make her messy hair up with her hands, looks at the man's back again and runs away from the suite!

In the dilapidated shantytowns.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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