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Dear Ex-Wife You Are MINE (Victoria and Alessandro) novel Chapter 156



"Mama! Papa is not here?!" Vanessa, my three years old daughter came running to me. Her lips were pouty and her cheeks puffed.

She came to me and hide her face in my chest, sobbing. "Pa..pa is not h..ere." She sobbed and I mentally rolled my eyes, caressing her little back.

Well, Vanessa is her father's spoiled princess and that wouldn't be a bragging. She is obsessed with her father and Aless is the same way to her.

Every morning, she would wake up with Papa's voice and would go to sleep with her father beside her. Sometimes Leo would shake his head and shrug at me, seeing their obsession.

It's not that Aless does not love Leo. He loves his both children equally. It's just daughters steal all the attention from their fathers. Maybe, it's the universal truth and I can connect with the exact situation.

My relationship with my father is still the same. For him, I am his little Victoria even after being the mother of two children.

"Where did Papa go, mama?" I was pulled out of my thoughts with her little tone.

I picked her up on my lap and arranged her messy hair. She has raven hair and blue eyes just like her father.

I smiled at my little one, "Papa has gone to bring his princess a huge gift. Don't you want it?" I told her being clueless about my husband's whereabouts.

Her eyes get wide, "A huge gift?" Immediately her pouts stretched into a smile and relaxed finally. "Then I will wait for Papa to come!"

"Yeah, you should wait without crying." I encouraged her, as she slipped out of my lap and ran upstairs toward her room as her nanny followed her.

Leo was sitting just in my opposite, playing with some Rubik's cubes. For some reason, he is obsessed with that Square thing and even learned to become a pro in it.

He raised his head and watched me blankly once before turning his head upstairs as his sister just disappeared.

"Why does Papa have to buy gifts for her every day? It will spoil her mama." He frowned and I gasped mentally.

It happens to me all the time! Still, I am not used to his blunt and mature ways. Leo is definitely smarter and more mature than his age. He even skipped grades in school and already earned 'The blunt boy' title.

I thought for a second before replying, "It's not like that, sweetheart. You see, Vanessa was upset not seeing your father. So, I made it up." I accept the truth and he frowned again, this time moving his cube, "You should not lie."

"Well, I am sorry, Mr Devonte. It won't happen next time." I apologised and he only mouthed "Good" before fully concentrating on the other cubes.

Slowly, I stood up and left without disturbing him. I need to call Aless and inform him to bring a gift for his both children before returning home.

I dialled his number, yet he did not pick up. Strange, today is the weekend and where does he vanish this early? I did not see him after waking up from sleep!

Immediately, I turned on the tracking device and started tracking his location. Yeah, I have set a tracker in his wedding ring.

The ring I have designed by myself for us.

We both have them with each other's consent and even our children have that too. Both of them have pendants in their neck and both pendants have trackers. I designed it specially.

Soon, his location popped on the screen and it was showing 'The City Hospital'. Wait, hospital? What is he doing in the hospital!? Is something happen to him!?

My heart clenched tight and fear started coursing through me. Even though it's been years and in these five years nothing dangerous happened in our lives, I still did not forget the past incidents. All of them are so clear in my memory that even if someday I lose my memory, I would always have them as my nightmares!

"Is everything alright, ma'am?" Sophia's worried tone brought me to the reality and I gulped. My lips parted to say her what happened, but somehow I did not and shook my head.

"Take care of them, Sophia. I have some urgent work that came up." Saying, I immediately run out of the mansion. Settled in my car and went to the hospital's direction.

I don't know if I was lucky to reach the hospital in ten minutes on the roads of NYC, but I did. Jumping out of the car, I rushed to the receptionist.

The girl, Mae knows our family well. She gritted me with a smile. However, I Don't have time for that. Immediately, I asked if Aless came here and she nodded, seeming a little confused.

"Mr Devonte is in the OT with surgeon Roy. He is having a ....." The moment those words left her, I was stunned. It did not take time for my shock to turn into fury, as I rushed to the OT and without a blink I barged inside the OT.

And there he is, lying on the hospital bed, waiting for his vasectomy! He is fucking doing a vasectomy without letting me know! How dare he!?

All the doctors and nurses just turned to me, startled and so do Aless. Immediately he jumped out of the bed, eyes wide and jaw almost on the floor.

I was so angry that nothing was coming out of my mouth. I only glared at him furiously before walking out of that freaking OT! I did not even look behind to see if he is following or not.

Bonus Chapter 1

Bonus Chapter 2


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