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Dear sweetheart novel (Rayna and Julian) novel Chapter 50

Dear Sweetheart Chapter 50 With Help From My Young Friend
That seemed to have improved Alfred’s mood considerably. “Have you eaten yet? Would you like Macey to help make you some supper?
“I had something before I came in, so I’m not really hungry right now.”
“Let me get you something to drink then.” Following that, Alfred stood up and went inside the kitchen. He retrieved a cup of milkshake from the fridge and went on to place it down in front of Curtis. “Kept it well-chilled, so it is still drinkable.”
“A milkshake?” Curtis was nonplussed. “I’m not going anywhere near that. Too much sugar.”
“It’s just one cup once in a while. What harm could that possibly do?” Alfred shot him a look. “Being this health conscious when you’re barely thirty makes you even more obsessive than an old man like me!”
That got Curtis subtly twitching his lips.
Acknowledging that there was no getting out of this, he slid a straw into the milkshake. Two sips from the beverage were enough to have his brows creased up in a tight furrow.
This is sickeningly sweet, but still tolerable.
“How do you find it?” Alfred asked.
“It’s all right.” Curtis chuckled as he inspected that cup of beverage. “Surely, you did not wait up for me just to make me drink this milkshake?”
“I did, actually. A young friend recommended that I try this when I went out today,” said Alfred before he let out a sigh. “I guess I must really be getting old, being received with such disdain when making my rounds at the store.”
Curtis’ expression turned dark when he heard that. “Which store was that? I’ll have Gabriel fire every single of them who were on the roster today.”
“Bah, forget it. Their jobs are hard enough as it is. Maybe it was because I showed up dressing a little too casually.” Waving his hand, Alfred then nudged the package on the coffee table toward Curtis. “Your birthday is almost here, so I went out and got you this. Go on and have a look at it.”
Curtis unwrapped the gift box to find two designer neckties in very tasteful colorways.
“Hmm. Pretty nice.”
“Yeah, I thought so too.” It was rare that the usually fussy Curtis would also take such a liking toward the ties. Alfred puffed up his chest, seemingly very pleased with himself. “My young friend had a hand in helping me to pick out these ones as well.”
“This young friend you keep going on and on about. Was it someone you have just met today?” Curtis asked in amusement. “Looks like this little fellow has left quite an impression on you. If possible, I’d like to meet ’em for myself.”
Curtis had hardly ever seen Alfred return home in such a fine mood after a day out in town.
“I’m afraid that that won’t be possible anymore,” Alfred lamented. With her beauty and wonderful personality, I bet she’s already attached. How could there be any chance for anyone else to woo her?
The thought of marriage prompted Alfred to look inquisitively toward Curtis. “Say, Curtis, you have been spending quite a bit of time working abroad. Was there any girl out there who had caught your fancy?”
“Not as yet.”
Alfred exhaled and began to lecture him. “Don’t be so picky and find yourself someone who you like. I’m not that old-fashioned, so you don’t have to bother too much about what your uncles think. I’ve raised you myself, Curtis. You grew up without any siblings, so I really don’t want you to still carry on living a lonely life after I’m gone. I truly hope to see you have a family of your own.”
Coming to that point, Alfred tried to make it more light-hearted. “Just look at your uncles. Their kids are all married, with some having as many as three children of their own already. Then consider your own position. Without a wife and children, how much could you realistically expect to receive for your share of the inheritance? As things stand, most of it will likely go to them as and when I kick the bucket.”
“You’re going to live to a ripe old age,” a solemn Curtis insisted. “I’m going to make sure of that, no matter the cost.”
Though deeply touched, Alfred replied, “It’s only natural to experience sickness and death in old age. Such is the full circle of life, so I’ve made my peace with it. It is only you who I cannot stop worrying about.”
He regarded the handsome and strapping Curtis with mixed emotions.
The Faymon family simply owes this boy too much.
“Be patient.” Curtis paused before he spoke up. “I’d be heading overseas on a work trip in a couple of days. Let me look into it when I return. I’d swear that I’d bring someone back to see you.”
“I’ll be holding you to that. When the time comes, don’t even think about using your busy schedule as an excuse.” That finally drew a smile from Alfred who even went on to advise him further. “You know that the money is always going to be there, so why don’t you learn to live like those young people out there, and try going on a date more often for a change?”
Curtis smiled out of politeness, for in spite of Alfred’s concern for him, he himself had no interest whatsoever in romantic pursuits.
While the father and son pair chatted, Curtis’ phone suddenly rang.
When he saw that the call came from Gabriel, Curtis picked it up right away with the assumption that it must be about some matter of importance. “Yes?”
“Uh, Mr. Faymon. Cillian has been following Ms. Garland. He had just informed me that she had gotten herself drunk at Heavenly Palace,” Gabriel said. “He doesn’t quite know what to do because the friend she is with happens to be drunk as well.”
“So, what you’re trying to tell me here? Are you clueless just like him?” Curtis was so annoyed that he started scoffing. “Are you calling me because you are expecting me to fix this for you?”
“Cillian thinks that there might be someone else watching Ms. Garland. I suspect that they may be working for Jefferson. She’d be due to fly off in a few days’ time, so that makes me worried that something may happen to her during this time.”
Hearing that, Curtis massaged his temples.
He had nearly forgotten that Rayna and Jefferson used to be an item, and this time, Jefferson was also angling toward clinching that deal. In view of that, the latter would surely make a move on Rayna when he had a chance.
“Forget about the backup. Go link up with Curtis directly and escort her home,” Curtis ordered.
“The thing is, Mr. Faymon…” an apprehensive Gabriel said. “Elizabeth has an upset stomach and is on a drip, so I’m currently keeping her company at the hospital. You know that I wouldn’t have called to trouble you otherwise.”
That did not sit well with Curtis. “It’s just a cat. Surely it won’t run off by itself even if you left it at the veterinary hospital?”
“She’s not just any cat, Mr. Faymon. She’s Elizabeth, my Elizabeth.” Gabriel solemnly corrected him. “I can’t allow anything to happen to her because she’s the very reason that I would do anything for a living at all.”
The stupefied Curtis then hung up, looking quite dour.
Had it been any easier for him to find an assistant as competent as Gabriel, he would surely have fired the latter in a heartbeat.
“It’s getting late, Dad. You should have the housekeeper help you upstairs.” Straightening himself up from the couch, Curtis felt that he had to be there personally to ensure that Jefferson did not get in ahead of him. “I’m heading out. I have something to take care of.”
“Is this about a woman?” Having overheard bits and pieces of what was said, Alfred thus said teasingly, “Looks like you do have women around you after all!”
“It’s nothing like that. She’s just a friend.” Curtis replied in exasperation.
“Always good to have more friends then. Have fun.” Alfred cast him a knowing look and reminded him to be mindful on the road. Then the old man headed upstairs with a little more pep in his step. As for Curtis, he decided against trying to explain any further.
He’s not going to believe me anyway.
Hopping into a random car in the garage, it took Curtis just over ten minutes to reach the entrance of Heavenly Palace.
“Mr. Faymon.” Having waited outside for some time, Cillian promptly approached when he saw Curtis arrive.
Lifting his head to gaze upon Heavenly Palace’s signage, it brought back memories of the business meeting he attended there where he first got acquainted with Rayna. Didn’t think that that woman would continue coming here after all this time. Hasn’t she learned her lesson yet?
As he walked along, Curtis asked, “What’s the situation?”
“It’s kind of strange now that I think of it,” said Cillian, scratching his head. “Those people only kept playing games with Rayna and her friend. They didn’t try anything else apart from that, nor did they behave inappropriately while they were drinking.”
Curtis’ expression turned grim.
No one who hangs out in this place is of the decent sort. The only logical explanation is that they must have been sent by Jefferson.
Picking up his pace while he made his way toward the bar, Curtis pushed past the door that hindered him and strode inside. He was immediately assailed by the blare of the music and a blast of the wintry air-conditioning. The dim interior lighting of the venue was designed to foster a somewhat sensuous vibe.
“Ms. Garland is right over there, Mr. Faymon.” Cillian pointed.
Tracking visually in the direction where the former was looking, Curtis saw several men and women seated at a booth, indulging in some sort of game. Rayna was there downing a drink with her head reared back. Her flushed cheeks attested to the state of drunkenness she was in.


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