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Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave novel Chapter 22

Add to that, the fact that there was still a considerable gap between how far along he'd progressed next to what Evil Lan and Bryson could do. His growth had been too slow.

Fate could be a cruel mistress! It was only recently, Zen had finally gotten the chance to hone his skills, practice and strengthen himself, and he was hopeful that he could go so much further, becoming more powerful. Now, he was at the mercy of Evil Lan, and his situation was desperate.

While Zen bemoaned his predicament, Evil Lan was busy in the cave. Whatever he was preparing, it took a long time and was loud. First, Evil Lan was in the corner, hammering away, and then he disappeared into the weapon refining furnace carrying some object. Zen couldn't see what he was doing in there. After a while, Evil Lan came out, sat in front of the stove in an odd pose and clapped his hands.

As Evil Lan sat clapping, the dark weapon refining furnace was lit up. Complex yet elegant runes appeared one after another, as though blooming along the surface of the furnace wall, emitting a dazzling red glow, and lighting up the entire cave.

Hanging, skewered by spears on the walls, living creatures contorted in pain. Their anguished screams filled the room as their blood flowed along the spikes, while it was all sucked into the weapon refining furnace.

The blood flowed along the currents on the weapon refining furnace wall and filled the fragments, making the red light more vivid and fascinating.

After he fired up the furnace, Evil Lan picked up a sword. The black and white sword in Evil Lan's hands must be the Hell Fire Sword which was a top grade of the mysterious weapon.

Evil Lan held the Hell Fire Sword for a while, gazing with pride and tenderness like the cold metal object were a son. His eyes softened, and his stance relaxed as he stroked it as though he were touching a lover. Watching the scene unnoticed from the off to the side, Zen observed Evil Lan's reaction. It startled Zen to see such fondness on such an evil face. Zen's heart lurched, and he had an unshakable feeling that trouble lay ahead. Evil Lan was a madman.

After taking his time polishing the mysterious weapon, Evil Lan turned his head toward Zen. There was a peculiar smile on his face, and he gave Zen an odd look. He walked over, and as he pulled Zen out of the cage, he said," You should feel honored to be integrated into my Hell Fire Sword."

Realizing it was senseless to respond to this madman, Evil Lan, Zen just shook his head slowly and followed his insane captor. Given how much more powerful Evil Lan was, Zen thought of himself as unlucky. Seeing no way out, Zen sighed thinking that soon he would be consumed by the fire until nothing but ashes remained. It was a pity that his hatred had not been reported, and he was not even capable of revenge. Zen was helpless to anything and felt resentment at the injustice of God. Damn, his weak skills!

At least he wouldn't make it easy for Evil Lan, who had to drag Zen the entire way. They stopped in front of the weapon refining furnace, and Evil Lan repositioned himself before forcing Zen into the furnace.

Within the bowels of the refinery, the hearth was dark; all Zen could see were remnants burning in the fire, and a table sitting in the center of the furnace.


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