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Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave novel Chapter 312

While James pondered over killing Zen or not, Zen acted first against him.

"The flying knife? I don't fear it at all. It means nothing to me," James blurted out arrogantly.

Just as he said it, he saw the broken flying knife heading towards him. Like a reflex, he lifted his long blue sword up and chopped up the weapon.

Although James' blue sword was made from his life vitality, it was as mighty as a fairy weapon as it had absorbed loads of heavenly essence.

In addition, James used his Ruin Sword when he chopped up the broken flying knife.

The chopping manifested James' unique and skilled swordsmanship as his long blue sword landed on the very center of the knife.

It was what he thought at first--that he could chop Zen's knife into two halves with his powerful sword.

But when his own weapon touched Zen's knife, it was immediately shattered broken.

"How is this possible? My sword was produced from my life vitality and it's even comparable to a fairy weapon. How could a broken flying knife destroy my sword?" mumbled James in shock.

Never could he have expected that Zen's broken flying knife would be so strong. As he watched his life vitality-based long sword get chopped into two by a knife, he was stunned agape.

The long sword was as hard as a low-grade fairy weapon. How was it possible that his sword was cleaved by a defective knife? The idea was still totally unbelievable for James even as it happened right in front of his eyes.

Still, the broken flying knife worked fast. As soon as the long sword was destroyed, it went straight for James' head.

In any other situation, it would be a piece of cake for James to escape such an attack, but James was still shocked by what had just happened to his weapon. While he was standing in a daze, lost in his defeated thoughts, Zen's knife dashed right for James' head.

As James snapped out of the daze, the knife was already extremely close to his face.

Faced with the cold weapon, he felt an intensely cold chill run up his spine. It was not until that moment that he realized that he would have been killed by a guy who had only reached the first grade of nature level if he hadn't come to his senses timely.

At the critical moment, James jerked his head away from the broken flying knife almost completely on instinct. His head was stiffly inclined sideways, only inches away from the attack he dodged.


The knife flew right by James' face, slashing his cheek and leaving a small wound on his face. A drop of blood trickled down as James' eyes widened.

Although he had fought several battles before, he couldn't help but feel rather chilled to his bone at that moment.

Previously, Zen had defeated James' son with his strength on the first tier of the nature level. In spite of Zen's amazing strengths and boundless prospects, James took for granted that Zen was less powerful than him.


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