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Denied by Destiny: Trapped in the Shadows of the Mate Bond novel Chapter 336

“Okay, well I’m working right now…” It’s hard to keep my voice sounding unfazed by his closeness to me as he takes a step into my room.

“Josie…” Just the way my name sounds on his lips makes my lower core tremble. Soon he’ll be calling another female in the same way…I can do this…I can get past this first meeting. They always say the first meeting since breaking up is the worse…then it gets easier.

But I really can’t see why I would ever see him again, unless he comes to Jaxon’s Alpha ceremony, whenever that will be. But I’ve got months to prepare for that, Dad is nowhere near ready to hand over the pack to Jaxon yet.

“Don’t you think the time for talking has passed us now. You said all you needed to say…” I keep my voice to a pleasant tone, I really didn’t want to argue anymore.

“You caught me off guard, I wasn’t expecting…”

“In my experience that’s when the truth comes out, when you are at your most vulnerable.”

“I wasn’t vulnerable.” He seethes through gritted teeth, the change in him taking me off guard.

“I didn’t say you were vulnerable, I meant the situation…with you not having a chance to prepare your answers.” He didn’t like to show a weakness, I found that early on with Knox. Dad was right, why did I not realise what a complicated person he is.

“What time do you finish?”


“Depends on what?”

“Depends when Doctor Abel’s meeting is over and if I need to stay behind to help him catch up.” I shrug because it’s the truth and nothing Incan do about it. I had already had time off and was already behind.

“You’ve been here all day.” His forehead furrows slightly, as concern edges upon his face.

“I imagine by the time I’m finished you’ll be at the pack run tonight, so might be best for us to talk in the morning.”


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