~ Knox ~
I have no way of measuring time at the moment, I’ve not even left the hospital room. None of us have.
I couldn’t even tell you if it were day or night outside. My lungs were stale from the lack of fresh air, my stomach past the point of hunger and my throat dry.
Food and fluids have been offered to us, but we take what we need only to keep alive. None of us wanting to leave this room, just in case.
Days have passed with no change, no sign of her ever coming back to us.
How long, how long do you keep someone on life support for? How long do you make the family live in pain.
The head of emergency has broached the subject with the alphas to consider ending the life support, but it has been Doctor Abel that has been the one to block him ever since. He refused to even let him in the room.
This is why I don’t let anybody in, this is why I don’t want people getting close to me…for me to get attached.
I can’t cope with the loss all over again. I know I’m going to have to survive without her, but I’m not even sure how I would do that. I don’t think I would want to even try.
It is just Jaxon and I in the room, the life support machine’s noise having been turned off days ago. The constant repetitive beeping was too excessive in the early hours of the morning and it hasn’t been turned back on since.
For now she looks as if she is sleeping, although she is wired up to tubes…a breathing tube taped to the corner of her mouth.
Jaxon continues to call Jace, there has been no news…no word. Yet he still tries, still keeps dialling his number.
The mood of the entire pack has changed, even I can feel it. Every time a staff member comes in with food, or to check Josie’s stats…they are sombre…the walking dead.
Even the weather outside has changed. Heavy rain thrashes against the window that remains covered in blinds…it’s like I am in a bubble, locked in a room with no way of escaping. There is no outside world…not one that matters anymore anyway.
Hector and Kaia are outside talking to the Head of Emergency, Doctor Abel was called elsewhere, I think a plan put in place by his colleague to get him away from this ward.
The door opens, the doctor entering first as he moves towards the head of the bed, starting to touch the machines.
The readers' comments on the novel: Denied by Destiny: Trapped in the Shadows of the Mate Bond