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Denied by Destiny: Trapped in the Shadows of the Mate Bond novel Chapter 555

“The boy’s made a right pig’s mess of this!” Dad growls out as he moves to my side, his hand wrapping around my waist as he starts almost hoisting me in the air.

“What are you doing.” Kaia looks to him in shock.

“We are leaving, now.” Dad grunts out, lifting me.

“No…I cant.”

“I won’t let that prick tell me what I can and can’t do with my own daughter.” Dad’s strength has him lifting me and moving me towards the office door, gripping me to his side.

“Dad what are you doing, I can’t just leave.” He was like an ox, too strong for me to fight against.

“Oh yes you can, I’d like him to send his warriors after us. Turn the alliance against us.” He growls out as he moves me past the front door, and out into the courtyard, each time I tried to fight him he just pinned my arms down tighter.

“Ares, get the door.”

“Don’t hurt her.” Mum shrieks out as Ares opens the back passenger door. Mum’s hands trying to protect my belly as I thrust against Dad’s hold.

“I’m trying not to..” He grunts out as I try with all my might to fight him off, kicking my legs up just as Ares grabs them in his arms.


“They won’t let you through the gates Dad, you’re just making things worse.” I sigh out to him.

“Shes right about that.” Luna Medea growls from behind us, the elderly woman standing next to her, a knife to her throat.

“Put her down!” Luna Medea orders out.

“You won’t hurt her, you can’t!” I roar out, Dad continuing to fight against me.

“Oh I can…”

“No…you need her, don’t dare use her life to bargain for mine. That won’t work, and you know it.”

“Don’t wory about me Cleo dear..”

“How is this possible.” Kaia gasps out.

“Kaia, Hector, nice to see you both.”

“Why is she here?” Kaia roars out, her alpha command rolling off her.


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