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Denied by Destiny: Trapped in the Shadows of the Mate Bond novel Chapter 575

~ Cleo ~

Freya needed help, she needed constant watching…something I can’t do for her. How could I settle her at the alpha house only to leave in a few day’s time, it wouldn’t be right by her.

But that didn’t stop the guilt at watching her being admitted into the psych ward at the hospital.

She seemed absolute fine in my time here, I would t have thought anything out of the ordinary…then snap…suddenly, it’s like she’s a different person. How Than’s abuse in power really has affected her.

She was also about to feel the break of the mate bond, not only could she not be alone in the alpha house for that…I also needed to protect Jace, protect myself and our baby.

Do I agree with Jace’s order for Zane to “go missing” on a mission…no, but I understand it is what is necessary for the future of the pack.

Zane being beta opens up the opportunity for Medea to hurt us. To control him for revenge.

He also allowed his alpha to do this to his own mate, this was what really played on my mind.

Above all the mate bond should be protected, seen as sacred. He failed her, and now they would both pay the price.

With any luck she won’t understand why she feels the tether of the mate bond, her mindset was deteriorating by the day.

I now need the doctors to watch her, she needed to be in the hospital with people around her twenty-four hours a day.

“Luna?” One of the doctor’s steps out of her room, his eyes moving up from her chart and onto me. I needed to trust them, I needed them to know we planned on a future here…and there was no time like the present.

“I need you to contact the Red Thorn pack, ask for Doctor Sophia.”

“For any partifuclar reason Luna?”

“You need to request all of my medical records, even ones off records. Tell her I demand it.”

“Are you unwell?”

“No, I’m pregnant…and I haven’t had any checks or scans…”

He holds his gasp at my announcement, whether he already knew or not, he wasn’t letting on. I didn’t know who Than may have already told.

“Congratulations, I’ll make the necessary arrangements. I’ll get word to you…”

“You can mind link me.” Jace’s stern voice commands out from behind me. He wasn’t happy that I had just shared our news, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t regret it…I had faith in the pack.

Chapter 0575 1

Chapter 0575 2


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