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Departure with a Belly (Alaric and Victoria) novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

Summer calmed herself down after hearing Victoria’s remarks. Since they 

had been friends for years, she knew Victoria well

She was someone who knew where she stood, so she had anticipated 

that something like this would happen. Even so, Summer’s heart broke for 


ButAre you willing to do so?asked Summer as she bit her lip

Does it matter?Victoria replied impassively

It was not the result that she wanted, but nothing changed even when she 

tried to alter it. Reality slapped her in the face, which reminded her that 

she should not be delusional

Are you free tomorrow? Can you accompany me to the hospital?She 

paused before continuing with a smile, I don’t want to go alone.” 


Come on, you’re my only best friend. Of course, I’ll make time for you. You 

don’t even have to ask. Just let me know, and I’ll accompany you.” 

Summer nodded

Let’s eat. I wanna rest early.Victoria smiled

She was so calm that Summer could not tell how she was feeling. Faced 

with that scenario, she felt like crying when she saw how Victoria was 

trying to hold back her emotions. Victoria was unlike that before the 

Selwyn Family went bankrupt. She used to be a typical girl who had

candid personality since the Selwyns would have her back if anything 

happened. However, ever since their bankruptcy… 

Victoria, you should let it out if you feel sad. Since there are only two of us 

in this room and I’m your best friend, you don’t have to hide your feelings 

in front of me.” 

Victoria was surprised upon hearing that. Did I mean to cry


She had cried her eyes out multiple times ever since the bankruptcy. It 

was also then that she understood crying would not solve anything, and 

that her tears were worthless. Not only that, those who wanted to trample 

over her would see her as a joke


Ever since then, she decided she would not shed tears so easily in front of 

anyone, even if it was someone she trusted

With that thought in mind, she smiled. Are you silly? What’s there to cry 

over? Since day one, he had told me clearly that this is a marriage of 

convenience. I’m here to help him deal with his grandmother, and he 

would pay off my debt. This is just a deal.

Her nonchalance enraged Summer. You’re lying. If this is just a deal, why 

are you pregnant? If he only sees this as a deal, he shouldn’t have slept 

with you and impregnated you. Getting an abortion is bad for your body

so what does he see you as?” 


All of Summer’s questions struck Victoria’s heart as if her heart had been 


In the beginning, she and Alaric were unlike how it was now. After they 

married, they would sleep in the same room to avoid any unnecessary 

speculations, though he would sleep on the couch. Since he was her 

savior and someone whom she liked, she could not bring herself to let him 

sleep so uncomfortably

Instead, she allowed him to sleep on the bed with a pillow placed in 

between them. Since it was a big bed, it did not affect their sleep

This went on for a long time until one night when Alaric brought her along 

for an event, and she was introduced to some big shot whom she had 

already known before her family went bankrupt. During that night, she was 

introduced as Mrs. Cadogan, and nobody dared to embarrass him

After the event ended, Victoria bought him drinks as she was in a good 

mood. Both chatted about work as they drank and got drunk

She had a hard time carrying him back to the room and suddenly fell into 

his arms after tripping over something. Her being in his arms had 

somehow aroused him, and he grabbed onto her waist while pressing 

himself on her

His slim yet fit figure was on top of hers. She was not sure whether it was 

due to the alcohol, but she could feel her face boiling. She wanted to push 

him away, but before she could do so, he pressed his lips against hers

Startled, she was about to push him away when he started kissing her. At 

that moment, her head went blank, and she froze

When she finally made sense of the situation, she kissed him back. That 

night, he clung to her, and she let herself go

When she awoke in his arms the next morning, she noticed the frown on 

his face. Just as he was about to say something, she interjected. This is 

just an accident since we were both drunk last night.” 

Hearing that, his gaze darkened as he repeated her words. An accident?” 

Yes, an accident.She nodded

This could only be an accident since it was a marriage of convenience 

from the start. If something like that happened along the way, it would 

affect their relationship, and he might not let her stay by his side, thinking 

that she had an agenda

His expression turned grave after hearing the word accident

It took him a while to finally calm himself down. As a woman, you’re on the 

short end of the stick. You can think of what you need from me.” 


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