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Departure with a Belly (Alaric and Victoria) novel Chapter 4



Victoria helplessly objected, I’m not completely drenched despite the rain

Moreover, I’m fine.She then walked over to Alaric’s desk and placed the 

report for yesterday on it. This is yesterday’s summary. I’ve sorted it up

Now, I have work to do, so I’ll leave the two of you to your reunion.” 

She glanced at Claudia, who immediately smiled at her

When she left, Alaric was frowning hard


He only snapped out of his thoughts when Claudia called out to him

His reaction confused her, but she sounded kind and caring when saying

Victoria doesn’t look so well. She might be your secretary now, but she 

used to be the precious daughter of the Selwyns before they went 

bankrupt. You cannot be too hard on her.” 



Too hard on her? Alaric internally laughed. Who could be hard on that 



However, he did not say any of that; instead, responding with a grunt of 


Meanwhile, Victoria shuffled back to her office with heavy feet and

heavy head. As soon as she sat down, she could not help but slump over 

her desk. Suddenly, her head was spinning hard

She lost track of time until she finally heard Yasmin’s voice

Victoria, why don’t you go home and rest?” 

At that moment, Victoria felt so lethargic and sick that her only response 

was, Yasmin, let me sleep for a while.Following that, she immediately fell 

into a deep sleep

She had a dream in which she was eighteen again. On that day, she and 


Alaric had their comingofage celebration. So, their families decided to 

cohost the party. That evening, she specifically put on her favorite blue 

dress, curled her hair, and had her nails done. She planned to confess her 

love to him


After a long, fruitless search, she located him in the garden. As she walked 

over to him, she heard his friends teasing him

You’re an adult now, Al. Are there any girls you like? Maybe you can get 

engaged,one of them said

Victoria’s quite nice. She’s always hanging around you,another said

When Victoria heard that, she instinctively stopped walking, wanting to 

listen to what Alaric had to say. After all, his answer was vital to what she 

would do next

However, she did not hear his response as someone spoke up first

Victoria is impossible. Al only sees her as his little sister. Everyone knows 


the only one in his mind is Claudia.” 



Then, Victoria snuck a glance at Alaric

That evening, Alaric sat on the stone bench, his legs so long that they 

barely touched the ground. He had a faint smile and didn’t object to what 

they said

Indeed. Claudia is more feminine, gentle, and beautiful, but Victoria is only 

a little girl. Moreover, Claudia is Alaric’s savior.The boy who spoke was 

Bane Morison, one of Alaric’s best friends. He loved teasing Victoria. Every 

time they met, he would insist on pulling on her pigtails



He was also one of the people Victoria hated the most. I’m not a little girl


That’s right,one of Alaric’s friends said. The waters were so dangerous 

back then. If she had not jumped down to save you, Alaric Cadogan might 

not be alive today.” 

Alaric nodded. Finally, there was a response from him as he hummed in 


Under the moonlight, his face looked very calm. The spot beside me will 

always be hers.” 

Suddenly, Victoria’s heart literally shattered in two when she heard that

She stood there dumbfounded as the blood drained from her face, turning 

her skin stark white. However, she did not expect her confession would be 

rejected before it was even given

Claudia had saved Alaric’s life, and everyone was talking about it

Customarily, heroes would rescue damsels in distress. In the case of Alaric 

and Claudia, however, a young woman came to the rescue of a man

On the other hand, Victoria was not aware of the matter

She had also fallen into the river, resulting in a high fever. When she finally 

woke up, she had forgotten about the events and had no idea how or why 

she had fallen into the river. One of her classmates said she accidentally 

fell in because she was too playful

However, it always felt like she had forgotten something. Unfortunately, try 

as she might, she could not remember anything about it. As time went on

she completely forgot about it

Still, Victoria did not expect Alaric to be obsessed with the person who 

saved him

It would have been great if I had been the one to save him

Her dream self’s emotions seemed to merge with her current emotions


At that moment, her heart felt like it was weighed down by a boulder. Her 

head throbbed, and she mused, Why wasn’t I the one who rescued him 

back then? If only… If only… 

Suddenly, Alaric appeared before Victoria in the dream. His eyes were 

cold and emotionless. Abort the baby, Victoria.” 

Meanwhile, Claudia stood beside him, her vinelike arms wrapped around 

his side

Are you keeping the baby because you want to ruin our love, Victoria?” 

she asked

When he heard the word ruin,’ his eyes went colder. He stepped forward 

and grabbed Victoria’s chin. Behave, or I will make my move.” 

His grip was so hard that it felt like he would shatter her jaw

She struggled arduously but eventually woke up from the dream, her body 


drenched in a cold sweat

As soon as her eyes opened, she saw a busy highway outside the window

Is ita dream? Why does it feel so real

Then, she heaved a sigh

Oh, you’re awake, Victoria.Hearing the soft voice coming from ahead

she looked up to find Claudia staring at her worriedly. Thank goodness.

was so worried something had happened to you.” 


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