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Devil CEO's Contract Lover novel Chapter 25

I nodded, "I'll drink some, I didn't eat much last night."

I insisted on doing it myself, and Damon had no other choice but to put the thermos on a small cabinet next to the bed and let me eat it myself.

Damon's cell phone rang, and he answered it, starting off with a not-so-great face.

"What? I can't believe this happened at my party! How did you promise me at that time!"

"President, I'm sorry, this is also beyond our control, we didn't allow the media reporters to come in at that time."

"I don't care how you guys are regulated, this matter can be big or small, at any cost, you must give me to put things to a halt!"

"This ...... this is difficult ...... now the major newspapers and television stations are reporting on this matter, I think the impact is already out."

The handsome Damon has never had a scandal, this time being used, of course, is a good entertainment news.

"If you don't stop, don't open your hotel, and you won't have any part in the Rubinstein family's cooperation in the future!"

Damon's tone was not only unkind, but his expression was serious. After the phone call, he slammed down the wall as hard as he could.

"What are these losers! A situation like this can happen!"

"What's wrong? Received any calls? Calm down, there's nothing you can't fix, is there?"

I was oblivious to what had happened, and instead, I was here to comfort him, which Damon certainly wouldn't say.

"You get some rest in the ward, someone will be here to take care of you later, so you can leave my business alone."

Damon hurriedly put on his jacket and walked out of the ward, I took two sips of soup and also felt distracted.

I always felt that Damon was in some kind of big trouble this time, and my heart was on edge.

He hasn't slept much all night, is it okay to handle this matter now?

Without realizing it, I had forgotten about my own situation and was worried for him.

The Rubinstein family owns a huge estate, what is it that makes the calm Damon so nervous? I hope he can handle it.

When Damon arrived at the office, his secretary handed him a document, "President, I have investigated it clearly."

"Who is it exactly?" Damon asked.

Although the secretary was puzzled by the president's attitude, a woman shouldn't be enough for him to be like this, he has his own exclusive girlfriend.

I remembered it wasn't this one I saw that time, their relationship seemed to have been stable, so no one should have taken advantage of it.

"It's Destiny Gonzales' godfather, he's the leader of several media outlets, and he's the one who released the information." The secretary said.

"Very well, Gonzales Enterprises has been making moves in the mall lately, I've been watching him for a long time, this old fox actually dared to touch my people!"

He promised me that there would be no media photos, and something like this happens, what would I do if I knew about it?

I value my reputation, and if it weren't for my family's difficulties, he was sure that I would never have committed myself to the gentry.

The two have been going toe-to-toe lately, and this matter really benefits Damon at the most dangerous moment, giving him a headache.

The news was making the rounds online, and the use of Twitter has allowed for a dramatic increase in information reproduction and attention.

Headlines like "Rubinstein family clan mega-scandal that impregnates 18-year-old girl", "High school student surrogates for Mr. Rubinstein for what reason", and "Reaching for the tender hands, who is operating " headlines like these made Damon's eyebrows flutter.

"The wild rumors of this matter have brought down the stock price of the Rubinstein family clan as well, and the board wants an explanation from the president." The secretary said.

"I will deal with this matter, the old fox on my hands, you can not blame me not to be merciless!"

Damon's deep eyes reveal a trace of ruthlessness, the other side moved my people, and now they dare to spread the news, those who hit his gun have no way to live!

Destiny Gonzales, the instigator of the incident, was dining at the mansion, and I was in a surprisingly good mood today.

Destiny walked up to her godfather, "Thank you godfather, if it wasn't for you, I would have been wronged, Damon was so mean to me!"

The sixty-year-old godfather said, "Of course I have to stand up for you, besides, it's the truth, I'm not the one who made the rumor."

"Godfather, you see William Ethridge should not like her anymore after he knows about this, right? This vixen, pregnant at such a young age."

My apparent innocence is all a lie, right? Behind the scenes, even the most difficult Mr. Rubinstein can arrive.

"I've been missing news like this for a long time." Godfather smile full of wrinkles, Damon is still young, dare to steal business with him?

In the mall, it's still the old ginger, he doesn't believe that he can't compete with a kid after decades of riding in the mall!

Destiny excitedly forwarded the news to all the students in the class who had cell phones, William would not be unaware of it.

I, you have Mr. Rubinstein as a backer, then I want William Ethridge, you are not too greedy!

The only time I felt Damon in the ward was when I was asleep, and I didn't see him the rest of the time.

Was he too busy lately?Austin stayed with me and told me a lot of jokes.


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