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Dominant Boss: Call Me Hubby, My Dear novel Chapter 20

Back at the Lawrence family's manor, Jeanne made another call after Monica hung up on her.

"What a surprise that you called me." A teasing and sly voice came from the other end of the call.

"I want some eyes on Thedus Locke and I need some pictures of him," Jeanne said.

"Sure," the voice answered.

"And I want you to hasten the transfer to South Hampton."

"How fast are we talking about?"

"A week."

"You overestimated me."

"I just received the Lawrence family's company shares of five percent just now."

Jeanne was not in a negotiating mood.

"Great! Good job." The man was not stingy with his praise.

"Keep in touch."


Before Jeanne hung up the phone, the man held back.

"Mhmm?" Jeanne hummed.

"I heard that you met Fourth Master Swan during last night's charity ball." "You got the news already?" Jeanne ridiculed.

"Stay away from him," the man said seriously.

"I know."

"He's not a good man."

"Neither are you."

The man on the other end of the phone was silenced.

"At least I'm good to you."

"That's why I'm still working for you."

"Jeanne, aw..." The man sounded moved.

"That's it. I know what you want to say." Jeanne stopped the man immediately.

The man chuckled. "Hehe, good girl."

The seemingly meaningless call then ended.

George was done with his "work". He had a look at his mother and asked, "Kingsley?"

Jeanne smiled. "I need a little favor from him."

George nodded with a hum.

"Are you going to take a bath?"


Jeanne then got up and picked some fresh clothes for George.

George obediently waddled to the bathroom alone.

Jeanne smiled at the body's cute figure.

She really hoped that George could have a normal and fulfilling life.

The upcoming week was a peaceful one for the

Lawrence family.

Jasmine might hate Jeanne but because Alexander warned her not to do something rash, the girl did not cross the line. All she wished for was Jeanne to marry the prick, Thedus, and get the money from the Locke family.

After that, she could come up with a thousand ways to torture Jeanne. She strongly believed she could make Jeanne wish that she was dead instead.

Moreover, her wedding with Eden was also around the corner. They were already preparing for the event, so she forced herself to forget Jeanne for the time being and focus on the preparation.

During Jonathan's 78th birthday, some guests were invited to the manor for dinner. It originally started as a small gathering but ended up with all the nobles and blue bloods at their door.

The guests claimed that they were there to celebrate Old Master Lawrence's birthday but they were actually there to win favors because the Lawrence family would soon be in-laws with the Swan family.

The birthday even attracted a huge crowd to the manor. Fortunately, the place was big enough to house 100 plus guests, and it made the spacious manor a little more lively than usual.

When Jeanne brought George downstairs, there was already a crowd in the living hall.

Everyone in the Lawrence family was talking to the guests, welcoming them, except for Jeanne.

She was not fond of socializing or mingling either, so she brought George out to the garden.

There were also guests in the garden but none talked to her, so she simply ignored them.

She brought George to a quiet corner.


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