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Dominant Boss: Call Me Hubby, My Dear novel Chapter 3

The Lawrence family's manor was one of the oldest residential manors in South Hampton City. It was located at the heart of the city and every inch of the manor was worth a lot.

The manor's front was surrounded by man-made hills and rivers, and deeper inside was a little jungle with plenty of lush. The building itself perverse the traditional design of South Hampton, simple and elegant. It made the place look like an oasis in the concrete jungle.-

After a quiet path, the main building of the manor appeared before them.

The tall gate with grand design did not capture Jeanne's attention at all. She walked inside with George without pause.

Several elegant ladies were chatting at the couch in the living hall.

Jeanne's arrival silenced them immediately.

One of the ladies scoffed. "Oh look, what do we have here? Isn't this the princess of the Lawrence family? Oh, excuse me, ex-princess."


Jeanne grinned and was not bothered by the comments.

"Look at that. She even has a kid of her own. I thought it was just the rumors but it seems like she had a son while drifting abroad and she's not even married. I feel ashamed for her," said the other lady with a giggle.

The ladies started to mock Jeanne as the lady in the center got up. She was in a traditional outfit and despite being in her 50s, she maintained her body perfectly.

She walked closer to Jeanne and wore a warm and welcoming face. "Jeanne, you're finally back. Your father is waiting for your return."

The woman was Jeanne's so-called stepmom. The woman Alexander had an affair with during his marriage.

Jenifer always looked innocent and harmless in front of others but in the dark, she had been doing all kinds of things to hurt others.

Jeanne grinned. "Jenifer, you don't have to do this now. I clearly remember you're also one of them who threw me out of the house back then."

Jenifer felt embarrassed for a moment.

She knew Jeanne had been a feisty girl since day one and she thought the girl would have learned her lesson after so many years. To her surprise, the feisty temper remained and it seemed like she was back for more.

She smiled calmly and said, "It was your father's decision. But, you know what they say, blood is thicker than water. It's great to have you back."

"Yeah, whatever you say." Jeanne grinned.

Jenifer was good at masking dissension with her nonchalant attitude. Every problem would be nothing in front of her. She quickly called one of the servants over.

"Maria, bring Jeanne's luggage to her room. Master Lawrence is waiting for her. Bring her to the master's room after you've settled her down."

She sounded soft but her words meant otherwise.

Maria came over. "Yes, madam."

Maria then led Jeanne upstairs.

As Jeanne walked up the stairs, she could still hear the other ladies mocking her behind her back.

"Jenifer, you shouldn't be this nice to that girl. She's rude, shameless, and ridiculous. You shouldn't let her set foot into this manor anymore."

"I feel bad for Master Lawrence for having such a rude daughter."

"I know she's been a rude and feisty girl since young. She's jealous of people's achievements. When she learned that your daughter has gotten together with Eden, she even said that she'll marry the fourth master of the Swans, so that Eden must call her aunt when they meet. Why would Fourth Master Swan marry someone like her?"

"Come on, ladies. She was just a child back then." Jenifer stopped her friends from talking about Jeanne so that it would make her look generous and forgiving.

It was then someone came through the entrance with a clear voice.

"Mom, Eden and I are back."


Jeanne's feet froze for a moment and George noticed the pause on his mother.

Jeanne ruffled her son's curly hair and continued walking.

Back at the living hall, the young couple came in and greeted the ladies.


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