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Don’t Fall for the Billionaire Lover novel Chapter 701

The chatter online was buzzing like a beehive. Everyone was dying to know the results of the vote. After polishing off their breakfast, Chloe and Connor made their way to the meeting room. It was already past nine, and the place was packed with shareholders.

Sartori Corporation had a boatload of shareholders, but when it came to the real decision-makers, only eight board members held the cards. They weren't necessarily the biggest shareholders, but boy, did they have clout. Most of these folks were over fifty and carried a ton of respect within the company. They rarely showed up at the office, preferring to rule over their own territories from afar.

Connor strolled in, all smiles and politeness, greeting them warmly. "Uncle Joe, you're looking sharp today! What's your secret to looking younger every day?" he quipped.

"Uncle Mike, just yesterday Dad was talking about how you opened up the European and American markets. The company wouldn't be where it is without you," he added with a grin.

Reactions were mixed. Some looked awkward and shifted in their seats. Edward let out a sigh, "Connor, we all know you're talented, and Uncle Joe here has faith in you. But remember, he joined Sartori Corporation alongside your sister. They've got history, so don't hold it against him."

Connor chuckled, "I get it, Uncle Joe. But getting to where you are now means you're all about the bottom line, not just feelings, right?"

Diego, sporting quite the beer belly, sneered, "If it was about profit, there's no way you'd get my vote. You're just a rookie. How can you handle such a big responsibility? Chloe's been here for years, and her track record speaks for itself. Remember that mess called WORLD? She turned it around in three months and made it the first global membership mall. That was Jeffery putting her through her paces."


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