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Don’t Fall for the Billionaire Lover novel Chapter 719

Upon hearing this, worry and irritation flashed across Belle's face in a heartbeat. Chloe knew Belle to be the carefree type, someone who rarely let anything weigh her down. It was unusual to see her troubled.

"What's going on?" Chloe asked.

Belle seemed hesitant to open up, brushing it off with a casual, "I've moved on; I'm not into him anymore."

Chloe wasn't buying it for a second. She picked up Belle's phone and teased, "Then why is he still your wallpaper?"

Belle quickly snatched her phone back. "I just haven't had the chance to change it. Trust me, I've moved on; he's old news."

Chloe started typing on her phone, which caught Belle off guard. "Chloe, what are you doing? Who's getting that message?"

"Juztin, obviously. Someone's gotta give him the real scoop," Chloe replied with a grin.

Belle's face went pale, and she lunged to stop Chloe. "Don't! If you tell him like that, his tears could flood the place."

Chloe couldn't help but laugh, picturing Juztin's handsome face twisted in tears. "Honestly, there's something endearing about seeing him cry. It's heartbreaking, but he's the most beautiful crier I've ever seen."

Belle perked up, clearly resonating with Chloe's sentiment. "Exactly! That's why I love making him cry. You wouldn’t believe how often he tears up. Remember that time in Vancouver when he was filming, and I surprised him on set..."

Belle chattered on excitedly, while Chloe watched her with a knowing smile. Once Belle had talked herself out, Chloe said, "You keep saying you're over him, but from where I'm standing, you’re head over heels."

Belle's energy faded, replaced by a heavy sigh. Chloe wrapped an arm around her shoulders, offering comfort. "Tell me, what's really going on?"


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