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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 You Turned Your Sister Into Mine?

In the end, they went back all the way with Adam Brook's screams. Nancy was so well-behaved along the way. Even in the car, the little girl sat upright and earnestly, with her fingers grabbing her dress on her laps, looking at her father innocently and cowardly.

After fixing Adam Brook, James Brook shifted his attention to his daughter.

Nancy instantly sat more upright.

James Brook suddenly burst into laughter and stretched out his arms to carry little soft Nancy in his arms.

"Dad, I'm wrong."

The little girl nestled in her father's arms, taking the initiative to admit her mistake, with a very sincere attitude.

James Brook hugged his cute little girl and hummed, and then he said firmly.

"It's not Nancy's fault. It's all your little brother's fault. You are a good girl."

Adam Brook "..."

Although he was glad that his father won't fix his sister, he was unsatisfied with his father's blatant double-standard behavior. He thought: Dad, don't you afraid that what you did will bring into discord into me and my sister's relationship?

The driver also sneered. Although the aggrieved expression on the young master's face was very sympathetic, he unexpectedly felt that what the boss said was the truth.

Nancy didn't expect that after her little brother was beaten, she should get away with it so easily. What's more, her father even comforted her!

Nancy slowly glanced at her little brother, and then felt relieved. She leaned her whole body on her father with a happy smile on her face.

Dad is so good. He didn't blow up at me. Thought Nancy.

If she had a tail, the little girl would perk up her tail now.


Dad's voice came from above. Nancy's little body stiffened a little. How... how could there be a turning point?

James Brook pinched Nancy's soft cheeks with his slender fingers. Although he was in his forties, there was no sign of old age on his hands, except for some shallow wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, which increased his charm. Standing together with his eldest son and the second son, the three of them were like brothers. And affluent life experience made James Brook even more charming than his sons.

"This kind of thing is not allowed to happen again. Nancy, don't do dangerous things with your stupid brother. If the parent today was unreasonable and malicious to you, then both you and your brother would be very dangerous. Remember it, never put yourself in danger. Or Daddy, Mommy and your brothers will be very worried, okay?"

Nancy thought that her father was going to scold her. She didn't expect to hear such words. It turned out that Dad was most worried about their safety.

The little girl felt moved and warm. She put her small arms around her father's neck and rubbed her little head on his shoulders. She responded softly.

"Dad, I got it. It won't happen again."

James Brook smiled, patting his daughter's back as a silent comfort. But when he turned to see his little son, the arc of his lips vanished. Instead, there was a grim and fierce expression on his face.

Adam Brook rubbed his buttocks, curled up and moved to the car door. Tsk... how could his dad have two faces!

After returning home, James Brook reported what Adam Brook did to his wife and dad without reserve, and then ...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! ! Mom, grandpa, dad has already beaten me. Please stop!"

"Dad! You have beaten me already. Why do you do it again!"

It was a total mess. And Adam Brook was the only one who suffered.

After Marcus Brook came back, Adam Brook didn't even have a chance to resist. His butt was swollen because of beat.

It was not only the pain, but, the most important thing was, he was beaten in front of his sister. There was nothing more embarrassing for him!

Adam Brook felt depressed.

When Nancy's little brother was being beaten, she could't do nothing except covered her eyes while saw through her fingers.

After the whole family beat Adam Brook, they gave Nancy oral education.

Windy said, "From now on, whenever you go out, take with a bunch of bodyguards. Otherwise, if you encounter a bad guy, how could your little brother protect you with his weak constitution?"

Adam Brook had no strength to retort.

Jeffrey said, "It's good that Nancy wants to help your brother. And grandpa is also happy to see you two get along well. But what your brother asked you to do is unacceptable. If he asks you to do anything without telling family in the future, you have to tell us. Grandpa will help you to beat him."

Adam Brook felt heartbroken again and again.

James said, "Sweetie, if this kind of things happened again, remember to come to daddy as soon as possible. Don't go to your brother. He's not reliable."

Marcus Brook suspected that his father was taking the opportunity to suppress him.

But he still didn't change his face. He hugged the little girl who was obediently sitting on the sofa listening to them in his arms, and put his arms around her softly.

Nancy subconsciously embraced her eldest brother's arms with her hands.

Marcus Brook said, "You scared her."


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