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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Sick Nancy

Shawn silently glanced at the two people secretly fighting with each other, becoming even more curious about his little cousin.

He had just returned and was unfamiliar with Nancy. He knew the little one was indeed adorable, but he couldn't expect she could bring so many changes to brother Marcus.

He chuckled, "You'd better not. What if you wake her up?"

Marcus was about to say something when the ward door was opened again, and this time more than one person came in.

Windy and James assisted the Elderly Mr. Brook, followed by Nancy's uncle and aunt.

Apparently, they had also heard the news, and Windy and James were pale with fear.

"How's it going? Is Nancy alright?"

Windy flung to the bedside, her face pale and her eyes red, tears falling out of her eyes in panic.

How could this terrible thing happen to their baby! She was just back from missing.

James and the Elderly Mr. Brook also walked over, while Marcus and Ivan, the two juniors, stepped back a little.

"Auntie Windy, uncle James, don't worry. Nancy is not hurt but just a little frightened and gets a fever. It will be alright if her temperature drops."

The elders were gathered around the bed, worried about the pale little girl whose fingers gripped the corner of the blanket.

They dared not make noise for fear of waking the sleeping girl.

After watching her for a while, the females stayed at the bedside to look after Nancy, while the males went outside to know what went on at the mall.

The message Shawn sent to them was not quite clear.

Ivan told the whole story with reddened eyes, ending with a guilty look as he bowed his head.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

Marcus patted him on the shoulder, but his expression hardened.

"It's nothing to do with you. It's the perpetrators who are to blame for such things."

The Elderly Mr. Brook poked the crutch on the ground, one hand behind his back. His eyes, which were usually kind and wise when facing Nancy, shone with the majesty and cold sharpness of a superior. He used to be of brisk authority in the business world when he was young so that he could be the strong backup force for the Brook. Although he became a lot more peaceful after retirement, it was only because he hid his ruthless side.

Even if the Wolf King was old, it was not a wise idea to bother him, especially when he was in anger.

"Shawn, share us with more information about the one called Symon Edward."

Gary was rather a knife, and the person holding the knife was the real culprit.

Shawn nodded and told every information he got, but he did not know the man indeed. As he knew, including this time, Symon had committed three crimes at home and one abroad. The case abroad was even more tragic, with explosions in several places.

These cases seemed to have no connection apparently as if they were the acts of some people seeking revenge on society. After the suspects were arrested, none of them mentioned any message about Symon, so the police were not aware of the existence of such a person.

Shawn learned about these cases by accident, and he instinctively felt that they were not simple, so he found ways to meet the prisoners. He easily elicited the hidden person from his professional advantages as a hypnotist.

Then he worked to find out the last place Symon appeared, L City.

Few people knew about it because Symon Edward was difficult to track down. How could Shawn expect that once he came back, he would be involved in another "masterpiece" of Symon Edward?

Such crazy things and lunatics like Gary Evans were just the work of Symon, who got humanity wrapped around his finger.

Marcus listened and said coldly, "No matter who he is, I have to find him."

Others did not say anything, but they saw eye to eye.

Shawn nodded, "It is not easy to find him because he seems to be a master hacker. Be careful not to leave clues when you try to trace him."

It was Nancy the most important, so they left the trace for Symon Edward to the subordinates.

When Martin got the news, he left the campaign in two cities behind and asked his agent to book the earliest ticket back. He was distraught on the plane, which freaked his agent and assistant out.

They had never seen Martin like this before!

Louis and Adam were the last to receive the news. They both skipped class and rushed to the hospital. They even had no time for the slow lift, and Louis ran up the stairs directly.

When Louis reached the ward door, he gasped with his face reddened and stared inside the ward with sweaty hair.

"Who did it!"

The teenager in a rage was like an enraged beast, his eyes were scarlet, and he gnashed his teeth: he longed to strictly punish the person who had made Nancy sick and frightened.

"Don't worry; Nancy is fine now."

But... how could he feel at ease?

His lovely sister was lying in bed on a drip. She was so fragile with her face pale.


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