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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 38

"You're Samuel Chambers mentioned by Mr. Bernard?"

In a teahouse across from Kingsang Building, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face scanned Samuel.

Samuel nodded repeatedly and said with a smile, "Mr. Bruno, I'm sorry, I came late."

"Hmph, it's fine to delay me, but if you delay Mr. Bernard's joyful night…"

Mr. Bruno sneered.

Samuel was covered in cold sweat.

Bruno was not a good person and always disliked people arriving later than him, and it was because of Bernard that Bruno did not give him a hard time.

"But this time there definitely won't be any problems, this one is a famous society boss in Stone City, second only to David Brown and a few other bigwigs. Once the 50 fighters under his hand are deployed, I'm afraid even that man will be scared shitless."

Samuel thought darkly in his heart.

In the past, Bruno alone knocked down four big man, and the men under his hands were ruthless. He was sure that man would be defeated.

Naturally, Bruno would not take his flattery words to heart, pointing at Kingsang Building and saying, "Are you sure the other party who can live in Kingsang Building doesn't have a background?"

"No, absolutely not."

Samuel shook his head repeatedly.

He was at first thinking that since that man could live in Kingsang Building, he might had some ability, after all, this one building was inhabited by the management of some enterprises.

But then he gathered some information that that man had just returned from the outside the city, how could he be the management of any business? Probably he just rented a house inside.

With Samuel's repeated confirmation, Bruno nodded his head and waved his big hand.

"Let's go in!"

"If anyone gets in the way, name Mr. Bernard, I don't believe that anyone from any company will dare to block the way of Mr. Bernard!"


Thirty or forty people walked towards that end in a huge crowd. This time Bruno didn't call for all the fighters, but just these thirty or forty people were enough to level a small association.

Unbeknownst to him, Matthew, who was standing in front of the top floor floor-to-ceiling window, was watching this way.

“Lord Smith, those people are here, and as you expected, they are none other than those from the local underground circle."

He turned his head to Crane and said.


Crane did not care and glanced at a stout figure sitting on his right side, farther away from him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Brown, your prestige in Stone City does not seem to be very high, didn't I ask you to spread the word out? What to do to anyone who dares to cause trouble in the underground circle in the future? So remind me."

This stout man was no other than the leader of the underground circle in Stone City, David Brown, the boss of Sky Tiger Society, who was known as a fierce tiger in Stone City, but now he was as obedient as a harpy dog in front of Crane.

"According to the rules, first-time offenders should have an arm or leg scrapped, and if they do it again, they will be banished from Stone City and never allowed to come back again."

David repeated what Crane had said earlier.

Crane nodded slightly, gestured out, and said, "And what should we do with these people?"

"Well ......"

David was a little hesitant.

He had only just gotten the word out not long ago, so he guessed it's sort of justifiable that many people hadn't gotten the word yet.

However, Crane was looking calm.

"Do you think that because the Sky Tiger Society is so big, you can do things recklessly in this Stone City? Or is that I am not goods as Scott family to you?"

As if thunderstorms had struck him, David fell directly to his knees with a poof.

"I know I am wrong, the underground circle of Stone City should have been obedient and made contribution to the construction of Stone City, these abominable people are harmful to the construction of Stone City and must be severely punished!"


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