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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 43

"Want to call out security, you can."

Crane said slowly and methodically, and then pulled out a small gadget that Elijah did not know.

"It's normal that you don't understand, because this is a military monitor with its own recording function, and your level of soundproofing does not work at all in front of it."

The corners of Crane's mouth rose like a devil, at least in Elijah's opinion.

"You, what the hell do you want!"

Elijah did not dare to bet on whether Crane's words were true or not, and the movements of his hands were halted.

If Crane really had evidence in his hands, then it would be like asking for death for him to call out the security guards.

"You want to negotiate with me?"

Elijah suddenly gave birth to such a thought.

He felt more and more horrible.

With such a handhold in place, he could not do anything to Crane, and naturally, he could not complete what Bernard had asked him to do, and even more so, he could not cooperate with Bernard to plot to seize the Saunders industry.

Most importantly, once the Saunders found out that he had this in mind with his uncle, he was only afraid that his family was going to come to an end.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to sue you, after all, it doesn't matter who is the boss of the Saunders in my opinion."

Crane said with a smile, letting go of his hand as well.

"Tell me why Bernard is investigating me."

Elijah was a pawn that Bernard had arranged to use against him in the Saunders, and in addition to that, he had a role as an undercover agent to betray the Saunders, which he had seen through.

But why did the Scott family want to investigate him was something unclear to Crane.

"In the eyes of the Scott family, I'm just a small, dispensable character, so why not just deal with me instead of launching an investigation?"

"There's definitely something big and weird going on here, but we still need to dig a little deeper into what exactly is going on."

Elijah didn't know what Crane was thinking, he only knew that this time the plan was a complete loss.

"The reason why Bernard is investigating you is not clear to me, but what I can tell you is that even without me and my uncle around, the Saunders’ downfall is unavoidable, and it's only natural that you will die if you are targeted by Mr. Bernard."

"A piece of good advice for you, leave Stone City, or even leave Q State, only then will you be able to save your life."

Elijah said in a deep voice.

Crane, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow and laughed, "Mr. Byrne, you are so kindly advising me, could it be that you are worried that something on this thing might leak out?"

Elijah didn't say a word, which was tantamount to acquiescence.

He never expected that a mole that could be crushed with his hands would now become the person he feared the most.

Unless the Saunders collapses, or this recording is taken over by himself, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Elijah used violence before, but according to Bernard, Crane knew some kongfu, while he was weak and could not defeat him. And shouting to the security guards is like looking for death, naturally he could only be tolerated.

Crane felt momentarily uninterested.

He had thought that Elijah knew something, but now it seemed that in Bernard's plan, Elijah was just a dispensable pawn.

"From today on, I'm working here, but I don't like anyone interrupting me, including you, and you."

His gaze fell on Elijah and the secretary, and it was cold.

When Crane walked out of the office, Elijah slammed his fist on the sofa, he didn't dare to smash the coffee table because it would bleed.

"Mr. Byrne, what should we do now? Are we going to be held hostage by this kid for the rest of our lives?"

The secretary came over and sat on Elijah's lap, speaking in a delicate voice.

A killing intent flashed in Elijah's eyes.


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