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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 48

"What do you mean by that?"

Crane's words caused Flora to be somewhat stunned.

She wanted to believe it, but couldn't.

After all, this kind of talk can not be indiscriminate, there is no ironclad evidence, so that is false accusations, then not only her own situation will be worried, and her parents and brother will be involved.

Even if they treated her badly, she didn't want to be an ungrateful daughter.

Crane could see what Flora was thinking and couldn't help but sigh.

The woman was too nice after all.

Although it was an advantage, it could easily become a disadvantage, after all, those people in the Chambers family had done a lot of dirty deeds over the years, and as a result, Flora took the blame.

"I'll bring out the evidence, but wait, let’s go in first and see what your grandmother will say."

Crane spoke and sent words to Matthew, "You guys go and bring me Chamber's financial statements for these years."

As soon as Spencer left, Matthew remained behind.

There was still chatter at the Chambers', led naturally by Samuel, Daisy and their parents.

As for Flora's father, Leonard Chambers, and her mother, Elisa, and her younger brother, Carver, their faces were gloomy to the extreme.

These people are starting to denigrate their family!

"Damn, Samuel is really ungrateful. Back then he was in the prison, it was you who got him out, and now he denigrates you for the sake of power and money. Leonard, this is your brother and nephew!"

Elisa couldn't stop complaining.

She really can't stand her husband, he's such a waste.

Leonard was silent.

He was only in his fifties, yet he was on a crutch because of that car accident.

If not for that accident, he would still be the president of the Chambers’ Group. The Chambers’ Group originated in the hands of his father, but it was he and his daughter Flora who really developed.

The large family business finally fell in others’ hand. Even though Leonard has long given birth to the idea of not fighting and not grabbing, but still was lost.

"Dad, talk to sister, as long as she sleeps with Mr. Bernard for one night, our family will definitely get better."

Carver chimed in.

Leonard raised an eyebrow and scolded, "Yesterday I can't interfere what the old lady said, but Flora is your sister, do you really want to ruin her reputation?"

It's not like the ones out there who sell their bodies.

Those women don't care about chastity, plus they're from average backgrounds and no one will pay attention.

But Flora was different, she was a famous character in Stone City. Once this kind of scandal occurred, coupled with the one from seven years ago, it would definitely plunge Flora into an endless abyss.

"I just hope that Crane will treat Flora well, maybe he is the only way to help Flora."

These words were spoken in Leonard's mind.

Women's intuition is accurate, but Leonard, as a former business powerhouse, thinks that he will not misread people, and that the man who accompanied Flora back yesterday is a man who can be trusted.


"They're coming!"

Carver was about to say something else, but Elisa interrupted him.

Several people looked over, only to see Flora and Crane walking in, which caused Leonard's heart to tremble.

"This guy, how can he bring back Flora?"

He only wanted Flora to have a good life now, and as for the Chambers family's scolding, he would bear it himself, but Crane's behavior made him feel that he had made a mistake.

"Is this guy intimidated and decides to betray Flora?"

Thinking of that city-wide warning from David Brown, perhaps this Crane also did such a thing when he ran out of energy!

Damnable, damnable!


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