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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 50

"Oh, boy, you really don't know anything."

Upon hearing Crane's words, Samuel immediately revealed a disdainful look.

"You just said that the Red Sea Society in Stone City is just a branch of the real Red Sea Society, as a force from outside of Stone City, their backers are something you can't imagine, even David can't order them to move."

"In short, David's orders only work on the local underground societies, and some of them are under the orders of the Red Sea Society, so what use do you think David's words have?"

When Samuel's words were spoken, the Chambers family members nodded their heads and said yes.

Daisy also laughed coldly.

"Trash, now you understand the power of the Red Sea Society? That’s the only underground force in the entire Stone City that can wrestle with the Sky Tiger Society, you offend them, you will never end being hunt!"

"But I can give you a chance to live, as long as Flora can serve Mr. Bernard and the Red Sea Society boss, naturally there will be no worries about the aftermath."

When she said this, Samuel’s eyes lit up.

If they could use Flora's body to ingratiate themselves with Bernard and Red Sea Society boss, their family could basically have nothing to fear in Stone City.

He spoke with Old Lady Chambers, and the eyes of Old Lady Chambers glowed as well.

"Flora, in these two days' time, you go serve Mr. Bernard first, and then go to the Red Sea Society boss, got it?"

"Shut up!"

It was Matthew who spoke.

He had just harmed Cruz in seconds with that punch, so naturally he had a certain deterrent effect, and many people had chosen to ignore him aiming not to mess with such a ruthless person.

But now that Matthew had spoken, they naturally couldn't ignore it.

Samuel said in a deep voice, "Gentleman, I know that you have some connections with this Crane, but the one you just defeated was only the Red Sea Society's ninth ranked Cruz, and it has quite a few other experts. If you persist in helping this guy, you'll get yourself in troubles."

"How about this, you can serve me and the Chambers family, you will definitely have endless glory and prosperity in the future, but you have to give us Crane and Flora."

It is all about interest.

Anyway, as long as they can handle Bernard and the Red Sea Society boss, the Chambers family will certainly soar in the future naturally and do not mind a bit of small profit.

Besides, they had all seen Matthew's battle prowess, and if they could take in such a ruthless man, it would be of great benefit to the Chambers family.

"Heh, when this guy surrenders to our family, I'd like to see what kind of look this trash Crane will reveal."

Samuel was vaguely looking forward to it.

Matthew, on the other hand, froze at first, and then snorted.

He glanced at Crane, wondering how the people of Mrs. Smith’s family were all such arrogant people.

Want to take him in?

And don't see if his Chamber family is big enough!

Crane was amused, but Flora was otherwise. She couldn't help but tug at Crane with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, not to mention the Chambers family, even the current Grand Marshal of the army in person wouldn't dare to make Matthew in."

Crane laughed.

Unexpectedly, his words left Flora speechless.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so good at bragging, the Grand Marshal of the army can't even take in his people. I'm laughing my ass off!"

Samuel laughed hilariously.

The others couldn't help themselves and snorted out a laugh.

"Shut your mouths!" Matthew snarled.

Stepping forward, he gave Samuel a direct slap, "If you dare to laugh again, I'll make you mute for the rest of your life!"

He's not making threats.

Rather, it's really moved to this.

Samuel instantly shut his mouth, he dared to use money to compel Matthew, but he didn't dare to retort a word.

"How dare you!"


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