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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 71

Elijah is finished.

In just a few days he leapt to become a big hit within the company, and he could be in the position as a director in the future.

But unbelievably, Crane's few words decided the end of his career of more than ten years.

"Give me one more chance, Boss Smith, please!"

Elijah knew that he had offended many people, especially in the past few days many people inside and outside the company had been reprimanded and humiliated by him.

Once he lost his current position then he would inevitably face retribution from those people.

"Get out!"

Finley snorted and reprimanded the man for getting out.

Elijah still wanted to say something but didn't have a chance, and was directly dragged away by the security guards brought by Finley.

"Boss Smith, any more orders?"

The incident with Elijah was just a minor incident.

Crane rested his chin as a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"This Elijah has so much guts, it looks like the reaction on that end is pretty intense."

"What do you mean?"

Finley showed a different look, somewhat confused.

Crane said directly, "Before, Elijah knew that I had something on him, yet he still dared to lay hands on my wife, so there is only one possibility-"

"Aston is testing my boundaries!"

Finley's face changed abruptly and he fell to his knees violently.

"Boss Smith, I'm guilty!"

He had a stony look on his face.

He hadn't thoroughly investigated inside the company before, and if it wasn't for Crane, he would lose the project and would have been murdered by his subordinates.

Crane waved his hand and said, "There is no need for that, you and I are originally on the same side, since the other side started to test me, it means one thing, they are desperate."

"You prepare for the start of the acquisition of the Scott's estate."

"This ......"

Finley said, "Boss Smith, if we go straight for it, I'm only afraid that the Scott family will fight us, plus the one from the Smith family in Magic City, this matter will be difficult to deal with afterwards."

Crane nodded slightly, but then shook his head.

"Just let them make a mess."

"Just a bunch of clowns, I wouldn't care about them yet, but of course the security around you will have to be beefed up. I'm worried they'll get into some crooked tricks if they can't do us head on."


Finley left soon.

Travis, who was left behind, glanced at Crane and asked with a smile, "Do you want to go for a drink?"

"Sure, this meal is on me."

Crane smiled brightly and left with Mr. Travis.

On the road, Travis was full of hobbling steps, looking as if he had something to say but never opened his mouth.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Crane opened his mouth.

Travis shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Mr. Smith, do you know that my granddaughter has been talking about you recently, and was almost going to follow me when she learned that I was coming to see you before, but I stopped her."

"I was trying to set you up before, and this time is a good opportunity, but I did not expect that you actually already have a family."

As Crane heard, a figure flooded his mind and he couldn't help but ask, "Ms. Palmer seems to be just twenty, right?"



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