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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 1117

Vinnie had felt Cassius's daze. He was a bit surprised and wondered why the guy chose him. He just wanted to have a nice meal there, and he didn't want to get involved in this stuff.

He paid the bill in a hurry and wanted to get away from all this. He didn't want Cassius to ask him for help.

Cassius ran over to Vinnie without a second thought. He laughed and said, "Brother Vinnie, it's me! Cassius!"

Vinnie was extremely speechless. He didn't want to get involved in this, because it would cause him huge trouble.

"I don't know you." He said indifferently.

Cassius forced a smile and said, "I'll pay you 1 million as long as you can help me out."

Everyone gasped when they heard the number. One million for a hand? That was way too easy. However, soon they realized it was reasonable, given the fact that Vinnie is a strong help of Connor. Other people would pay 5 million for his help.

Vinnie suddenly stood up. Cassius felt so glad, thinking that he finally agreed to help him out.

However, Vinnie walked straight towards Maximilian and smiled politely. "Mr. Lee, nice to see you again."

Maximilian smiled and said, "Haha, what a coincidence."

They were talking like old friends, and their interactions indicated that they seemed to have a very close tie.

Cassius was confused. He wondered what was going on. He wanted Vinnie to teach Maximilian a lesson, and he thought Vinnie had got him wrong.

Cassius hurriedly explained, "Brother Vinnie, you misunderstood me. I want you to teach him a lesson."

Vinnie didn't want to speak with him. He looked at this idiot and thought his hint had been clear enough. He wanted Cassius to know that both of them could afford to piss Maxmilian off, but Cassius kept provoking him.

"You shut up," Vinnie said coldly, "He's Boss Davies‘ friend, as well as mine. How dare you ask me to attack my friend? Are you doing this on purpose?"

Cassius was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He rubbed his forehead to make sure this wasn't a nightmare.

"He's Boss Davies' friend?"

He was shocked.

He thought Maximilian was an ordinary person, and he could never imagine a man like Maximilian would have something to do with Connor Davis.

Vinnie said slowly, "I've seen what had happened. You've been picking on him. If Mr. Lee hadn't been that tolerable, you could've been killed already."

Cassius swallowed when hearing Vinnie's words. Vinnie was right, and Cassius believed it.

Just by then, Vinnie turned back and asked, "Mr. Lee, what do we do to this person?"

Cassius frowned. He could tell the murderous tone in Vinnie's words. When he saw Vinnie's grim face, he knew this was getting serious.

Maximilian smiled and said, "Kick him out. I haven't had anything yet. We're starving."

Vinnie did what Maximilian asked. He punched Cassius in the belly. It was so painful that Cassius couldn't speak. Then Vinnie threw him out of the restaurant.

When everyone looked at Maximilian again, the disease in their eyes was gone. Their eyes were filled with respect and admiration. They thought the young man must have a powerful background, judging by the connection between him and Vinnie.

Now those people knew that they had underestimated Maximilian. They felt what just happened so unbelievable.

After the meal, Maximilian sent Liliana back.

On the way back, Maximilian felt a powerful murderous aura coming after him.

Chapter 1117 Just One Move 1


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