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Elliot and Avery novel Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

Avery turned off the vibration function in the afternoon.

Elliot had his back to her, so he didn’t see her pick up the phone.

Wesley sent her a message saying that she was leaving the Rishawaka tomorrow.

Avery replied immediately: [Let’s meet before you leave tomorrow! You set the time and place, I will find a way to meet you.]

“Avery, can’t I really play in the water? Then what are we going to play tomorrow? We can’t play in the water at the beach, there seems to be nothing left to play.” Elliot sat on the bed and said angrily.

“We can walk around and see, as long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy.”


“Let’s see what to do tomorrow.” Avery felt that Wesley would probably not refuse her request, so tomorrow She had to find a way to free Elliot to meet Wesley.

And Elliot is a more suspicious person, and it is more difficult to reasonably let him go.

Unless he takes a nap.

“Are you sure you can use the medicine you bought here?” Elliot saw her coming with the medicine she bought today, “Why don’t you use the medicine you brought? I think the medicine you gave me before is pretty good. I don’t feel that much pain anymore. “

I want to see how the medicine here works.” Avery opened the medicine, and the smell of medicine spread out.

“You really took me for a guinea pig.” Elliot frowned, “Don’t you think this medicine smells pungent?”

“This is medicine, not perfume. The clerk said that this medicine works very well. Isn’t it at the scene?” Avery wanted to see if the effect was really that good.

Elliot endured the pungent smell of medicine and replied, “a salesman sells melons and brags about it. Have you ever seen a salesman say that what he sells is not good? Avery, you are a serious adult anyway, why are you so naive?”

“Hmph, I’m innocent, at least I won’t get hurt. Unlike you, who knows astronomy and geography, and understands human nature, but ends up with injuries all over the body. This medicine is probably a little irritating, you have to bear it.” Avery reminded.

When finished, she applied the medicine to his wound.

After a few seconds, he took a sharp breath: “What’s wrong with this medicine?!”

“Is it cool?”


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