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Elliot and Avery novel Chapter 339

Chapter 339 “Mike! Why aren’t you and Miss Tate answering your phones?” said the vice president anxiously as he gave Mike a once over. “Something huge happened! Hurry up and wake Miss Tate up!”

With an embarrassed face, Mike scratched his head and walked into the house.

“It’s not like the company shut down. What happened?”

The vice president followed Mike and said, “Did you two engage a celebrity to advertise for us overnight? Some pop idol called Eric Santos spoke up for our products! He’s a major celebrity!”

The embarrassment vanished from Mike’s face as bewilderment took over.

“Why don’t I understand a thing you’re saying?”

“My god! There’s a huge celebrity called Eric Santos who showed his support for the Storm Series on social media. Since his post went up, our customer service lines have been blowing up. What’s even more crazy is that new orders are coming in at an alarming rate… I’ve never seen this kind of chaos before!” said the vice president with flushed cheeks.

He could not reach Avery or Mike on their phones, so he showed up at the villa.

Mike felt that things were not that simple after hearing the vice president’s words.

He rushed over to the master bedroom, knocked on the door, then entered to find the room completely empty.

“Avery isn’t home,” Mike muttered. “You can’t reach her phone?”

The vice president shook his head and said, “I even tried calling before I rang the doorbell! Her phone’s off.”

Mike quickly went to his room and changed his clothes.

“I looked into Eric Santos. He had disappeared for three years before he spoke up for our company! After his post went up, all of the trolls that slandered our company instantly vanished! The fighting power of his fans is incredible!”

“I know Eric Santos. Avery is a fan of his,” Mike said as he became more clear headed. “I don’t know why he’s helping us. We have to ask Avery about it.”

“Didn’t she say where she was going?” asked the vice president frantically. “My phone’s been blowing up all morning. Other than switching it on to call you, I’ve had it on airplane mode the entire time.”

Mike raised his brows and asked, “Is it that serious?”

The vice president’s forehead was dripping with sweat as he said, “It is! Everyone thinks we’re

working with Eric Santos and asking me how we made him come back to life! They even asked me how much we paid him! My own daughter’s been pestering me for his autograph!”

Mike was speechless.


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