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Elliot and Avery novel Chapter 645

Elliot stared them down coldly as he pursed his lips.

‘I’m finding that traitor even if that’s the last thing I do!’ He thought.

The next morning, Avery opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Mike’s face.

“You’re awake, Avery!” Mike adjusted her bed and passed her a bowl of soup. “Have some46 soup.”

She had not fully woken up yet and accepted the bowl dazedly.

“How do you feel today?” Mike sat down by the bed and stared at her face. “Why didn’t you tell me that something like that has happened to the company, and came back on your own instead? I would die of guilt if something happened to you.”

Avery sobered. “You are drunk, how was I supposed to let you know?”

“Alright! I shouldn’t have drunk with Elliot!” Mike sighed and said, “but we should really thank him this time. He helped us find thecd traitor.”

Avery’s lashes shivered at the words as she asked with a hoarse voice, “who was it? Who betrayed us?”

“The technical department.” Mike lowered his head because he was the one responsible for the technicalge department.

Avery frowned. “I asked who, not which department.”

“All employees from the technical department,” Mike took a deep breath and gritted out,” those fools went causing troubles when they were out for a gathering and someone took photos of them. They were then threatened to exchange the photos with the microchip and so they plotted together and stole the microchip.”

“Who did they give it to?!” Avery was taken by surprise, but knew that she had to face reality.

“They said that they didn’t know, because the person wore a mask and used a voice changer, so they couldn’t tell who it was.”

Avery had lost all appetite and handed the bowl of soup back to Mike.

“Have some, Avery! Don’t torture yourself,” Mike said guiltily, “it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have trusted them.”

“I feel dizzy right now. I will have the soup later.” Avery laid back down and started thinking of counter moves.

The person who took the microchip had to be either Wanda, or another competitor from the same industry. Soon enough, there would be a company that would launch their products with

brand new updates and it would crush Tate Industries.

An hour later, Elliot arrived at the hospital to visit Avery.

He had dropped by at three in the morning, but left after a glance as Avery was still sleeping at the time. It was half past eight in the morning and he had only slept for less than four hours; his eyes were red.

When Mrs. Cooper saw him approaching, she immediately said, “Avery just had her breakfast

and said she felt dizzy, so she went back to sleep.”

He stepped towards the bed and stared at Avery’s paled face. Her brows furrowed and appeared uneasy even in her sleep.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing. He immediately answered the call and walked towards the balcony.

“Mr. Foster, I got it. The stolen microchip that belonged to Tate Industries is now in the hands of Wanda Tate!” His subordinate said, “they have successfully cracked the code open so there’s no point of recovering it!”

Meanwhile, Avery slowly opened her eyes from the bed.

She stared at Elliot’s slim, yet strong figure from behind and struggled to get up from the bed.

Chapter 646

She thought she was dreaming, because she could see the light surrounding his body. She stepped towards him and he turned around abruptly; she saw his brooding eyes and sensed the warmth radiating off his body and it was then that she finally sobered and realized that it was not a dream.

“Why did you get out of bed?” He held her by the arm and asked, “did I wake you?”

She shook her head. “I slept too long last night and feel dizzy whenever I am asleep for too long.”

“Why don’t we go down for a walk, 46 then?”

Elliot had asked the doctor and the doctor told him that there was nothing wrong with the baby. The main issue was that Avery was emotionally unstable, which led to hyperventilation and increased heart rate. Once she calmed herself and rested, Avery would recover; but if she failed to do so, it would affect the child.

Avery glanced outside the window and saw how sunny it was outside, so she nodded and stepped out of the room with34 Elliot.

“Avery, the trouble your company is facing is no big deal.” As they walked out of the hospital, Elliot hesitated and said, “you can’t get everything you want in life, whether it’s in daily life or work One can only grow when there’s adversity.”

She gazed up at him. “Are you trying to comforted me?”

“You need to strengthen your mental tolerance.” Seeing that Avery was energetic enough, he cut to the chase and said, “so what if someone took your core technology and earned the money that belongs to you? It’s just a financial loss. Health should always be your top priority for as long as you are alive.”

Avery nodded. “So, you drink and smoke when you are ill because you know that health is the top priority in life. If only you had no clue of how important health is, you would have probably just drowned yourself in a whiskeyge barrel!”

“…” Elliot realized that he had worried too much and Avery didn’t need comforting after all.

“Haha!” Seeing that he was rendered speechless, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Look at how red your eyes are. Did you even sleep? If you need to get an electrocardiogram, maybe I can give my room to23 you.”

“I was worried that you might be upset, so I couldn’t sleep,” he explained, “but judging from the way you are right now, I guess you are stronger than I thought you were.”

“I wasn’t admitted to hospital last night because I was in despair. Shaun was sobbing so much when he called me that I felt like the company was going to crumble into nothing. Losing the

company isn’t that big a deal to me, personally; but when I thought of the possibility of those employees that I hired going unemployed… What if they can’t find a new job afterward?”

She was losing sleep over this.

Elliot studied the concern in her eyes. “It won’t get that bad. Technology industries depend mostly on core technologies, but even if yours is stolen, you can upgrade on the foundation of what you had.”

She nodded and asked, “how did you catch the traitors?”


“Oh.” She guessed so.

“Do you think that I’m cruel?”

Elliot wanted to explain to her that one simply had to be crueler than the people that harmed them, or the others would only bully them.

If there was no severe punishment in accordance with what had happened to Tate Industries, there would always be employees who would dare to betray the company for profits or out of fear; what happened the night before was a warning to all employees that worked there.

“You are cruel,” she said and his heart sank at the words.

“Not only are you cruel to others, but yourself as well. Your body can’t take it any longer if you won’t sleep.”

Elliot froze.

“Go back and sleep.” She held his hand and looked at him. “I’m okay now and I should be discharged tomorrow.”

He held back her hand. “Then let me walk you back to your room.”

“I want some fresh air down here. The bodyguards are with me, so I’ll be just fine.” She glanced at the bodyguards that were following them closely from a distance. Once Elliot left, she turned on her phone.

Chapter 647

The headline of the news popped into her sight.

‘Core Technology of Tate Industries was stolen; Where Would This Enterprise Go Next?’

There were plenty of comments below.

‘Tate Industries only started two years ago, right? Are they closing down already? I highly suspect that the building their office is in is46 haunted!

‘Does no one else realize how expensive Tate Industries’ products are? The quality isn’t bad, but the high-end drone market is completely ruled over by them, and I hate it!’

‘Hehe! So is the price for drones going to drop from now on?34 Clap-clap!’

‘My dad works for Tate Industries and I don’t want to see it go down! It treats its employees with great benefits and most importantly, the president is kind to everyone! My dream is to work there once I graduate…’

Avery closed the news and opened her messenger to find Mike’scd message.

‘Wanda has the microchip!’

Avery was not surprised by this outcome; she simply didn’t think that Wanda would act soge fast.

That afternoon, Wonder Technologies had opened a press conference in a hotel. Wanda announced with joy that there had been a break-through in the technical department of her company and they would be releasing a brand-new line of high-end products by the end of the year with a lower than average selling price.

Wanda might as well announce that she had stolen the core technology from Tate Industries at this23 point.

During the Q&A session, one of the reporters asked Wanda, “Madam Tate, the core technology of Tate Industries has been stolen. What do you think of that?”

Wanda burst out laughing, “I don’t think much of it, because I’ve always focused on surpassing my own limits. Naturally, I wasn’t the one who stole their core technology, as I don’t have the guts for illegal acts.”

“We heard that you were once Avery Tate’s stepmother. Now that she has been admitted to the hospital, have you gone to visit her yet?”

Wanda’s lips curled into a sarcastic sneer. “I will go see her right away as soon as she calls me’ Mom’.”

Avery stared at the smug expression on Wanda’s face from the news and felt somewhat calm.

Everything that had happened was set and done. What she needed to do was to adjust herself as soon as possible to handle the ever-changing situation.

In the evening, she requested to be discharged.

The doctor ran some tests on her and gave her the permission.

One week later, Tate Industries had formed the ‘Win-Win Alliance with three other brands of drone producers.

Tate Industries was to share their Super Brain system with these three other firms, while they returned twenty percent of their annual sales income to Tate Industries as a fee for patent royalty; at the same time, Tate Industries announced that the stolen core technology was the undefined version, whereas the technologies that applied to their products was ones that had been upgraded for eight times since the initial version.

The report asked Avery, “Miss. Tate, were you admitted to the hospital because of this incident?”

“You probably won’t believe me if I say that it’s not because of that,” Avery drawled, “but it is true that I was not affected much by the fact that our core technology was stolen. My team and I have always been dedicated to innovation and that’s the only way a company could march forward.”

“Does your team include the man behind you?” The reporter asked with a smile.

Avery was stunned.


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