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Elliot and Avery novel Chapter 732

Avery pulled out her phone, found Shea’s number, and dialed it. 

The call went through, but nobody answered.

After the call was ended automatically, she called Wesley.

Wesley very quickly answered the phone and said, “How are you doing, Avery? How’s Robert’s condition?”

“I’m doing well. Robert’s also doing well right now… The doctor said that Shea came to the hospital this morning and that she looked very pale. I tried calling her but there was no answer. I’m a little worried about her.”

Alarm bells began to ring in Wesley’s mind.

“I’ll go see her right now.”

“Okay. Let me know once you’ve seen her. She usually looks just fine, why would she suddenly look pale? If her complexion looks really bad, take her to the hospital for a check-up.”

“Got it.”

Wesley hung up the phone, then immediately called Shea’s bodyguard.

When the bodyguard picked up the phone, Wesley asked anxiously, “Where’s Shea right now? Is she okay?”

“She fell asleep in the car. We’re almost home,” responded the bodyguard. 

“Shea’s complexion doesn’t look great today, Mr. Brook. I wonder if it’s because she woke up too early this morning.”

The bodyguard did not know that Shea had donated blood the night beforeThe blood was drawn in Wesley’s father’s office.

“Take her home to rest. I’m on my way over.”


At the hospital, Avery was surprised when Henry’s family showed up.

“Avery, my parents wanted to come to see you a few days ago after hearing that you’d given birth, but my uncle said that you were in a bad mood so we didn’t end up coming,” Cole said.” How’s the baby doing?”


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