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Elliot and Avery novel Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Mike heard the meaning of her words and broke her fantasy mercilessly: “No matter where Elliot goes on business, it is definitely not the Hallstatt University you are going to. He is such a proud and pretentious person. How could he be willing to talk to you? Others share his successful experience? You search online, he has hardly ever given personal interviews, and with his character like gold, do you think he can stand on the podium and give lectures?”

Avery woke up like a dream.She clearly knew Elliot, why did she still make unrealistic fantasies?She blushed in embarrassment, and Mike didn’t continue to laugh at her.

“Why don’t you call Chad and ask? What if he really went to Hallstatt?” Mike didn’t laugh at her, but he couldn’t help laughing at Elliot, “Hallstatt is a good place, the environment on the mountain is beautiful and the air is fresh and a good place for leisure and vacation, what if he goes to the green hills to play in the name of a business trip?”

Avery’s temple throbbed: “Whether he goes on a business trip or a vacation, it has nothing to do with me. I don’t want to know that he goes Where, don’t ask Chad, don’t say anything.”

She peeled a boiled egg and put it on Mike’s plate.

“What time is your flight? I’ll take you to the airport.” Mike asked after biting into the egg.

Avery lowered her eyes and said, “I haven’t bought a ticket yet! I’m a little confused. I’m totally unprepared. I was going to go to work today.”

Seeing her gloomy, Mike comforted: “Hallstatt is a good place, but has not been developed, isolated from the world, especially quiet, you should go to retreat for a week!”

Avery said, “What image do I have in my heart? If there is no internet there, I promise I will leave as soon as I get there.”

“How can there be no internet? That kind of CEO training camp where all the CEOs go, you won’t stay without internet, and they can’t stand it without internet.” Mike teased.

“I can’t stay there without the internet. I have to make videocall with my kids every day.”

“Okay, don’t be sad. The week is fast.”


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