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Emery: A Prince's Adventure novel Chapter 12


Emery and I are standing next to each other as we watch the celebration going on in the castle—a private reception. We watch as people talk and laugh with full of grace, enjoying the cuisines that has been chosen by the queen to satisfy each of the guests.

When I turn to look at Emery, I see that his eyes are tired and a little bit droopy but he manage to stay and act like he's happy; trying to make everything seem real, ''You're tired.'' I say, causing him to look down at me.

''You can say that,'' He replies.

Seconds before I can say a word, a woman with dark blonde hair starts to make her way towards us. Her lips are curved up into a small smile and once she has reached us, ''Emery, remember me?'' She asks and I look up at Emery, trying to seek for his reaction on whether he remembers her or not.

It seems like I'm the person who stands in between while I watch them look at each other. The look on her face shows hope—that he probably remembers her but the look on his face shows confusion yet he tries his best to hide it; wanting to make sure that everything's fine and not causing chaos.

''It's Brianna, remember?'' She asks, smiling.

Emery nods his head and smiling widely before agreeing, ''Of course. We met, uh—'' He glances at my direction for a few seconds but then he changes the topic, ''How are you? It has been awhile.''


Brianna doesn't seem to notice that Emery does not remember her at all as she continues the conversation. For some reason, I feel sorry for her yet I keep quiet, only smiling while listening to them, ''I'm alright. I can tell that you're doing great,'' She chuckles, ''It has been awhile ever since you left for Melbourne, eight years ago.'' She adds.

His eyes widen slightly, somehow remembering.

''I have always wanted to leave,'' He says.

She nods with a smile on her face before turning to look at me, ''You two are a match made in heaven. Congratulations, Emery. It's nice to finally get to meet you again,'' She says, earning a smile from me and a nod from Emery—I'm pretty sure he's still lost in a world of his own. I thought.

Then, she disappears into the crowd.

''You don't remember her, do you?'' I glance up at his face, seeing him shaking his head slowly with a slight frown on his face—I only respond back with a chuckle, ''She seems like she remembers you very well. How can you not remember?'' I ask.

''It was a long time ago, I suppose.'' He replies.

All of a sudden, a slow song starts to play in the background as a sign for Emery and I to have our first dance. I look around at the crowd, seeing that they already have their eyes set on both of us. My body starts to feel slightly nervous due to the fact that we'll be slow dancing in the middle of the ballroom even though it won't be on television.

Emery turns to look at me with a small smile on his face before giving me his hand. I raise an eyebrow at him as he clears his throat, ''I know we never practiced this but I'll lead you,'' He says.

My eyes wander around the ballroom as the crowd waits for us so I place my hand on his, loving how they are always warm while mine stays cold most of the time—probably because I'm with him. We walk towards the middle of the ballroom before stopping. To my surprise, Emery pulls me by the waist ever so closely that our faces are only inches apart.

I keep quiet, not wanting to disrupt the distance between us even though it's slightly uncomfortable.

''Does it have to be a formal dance?'' I ask, lightly near his ear so that the conversation would only be between Emery and I

''Does it have to be a formal dance?'' I ask, lightly near his ear so that the conversation would only be between Emery and I.

Within seconds, he places both of my arms around his neck while he places his around my waist, gently resting his chin on my shoulder—causing me to hold in my breath for a few seconds. We start to move side by side; realising that we're only swaying our hips a little bit, it's not even a formal dance.

More like a romantic dance.

''The vows were already formal, I can't have another formal thing going on.'' He whispers near my ear, causing me to chuckle lightly. It's true, due to him being royalty, everything seemed to be formal—planned and arranged, it's quite bothersome. It wasn't casual, at all.

''It feels weird being the centre of attention,'' I mutter under my breath but still loud enough for him to hear, clearly. Then, he twirls me around once before holding onto my waist again, now we're face to face; making it easier for us to have a conversation.

''It will always be that way, just so you know. Since our wedding was shown worldwide, everything we do is their business too, now. No matter how unrealistic it sounds, we are and will always be the centre of attention.'' He replies, looking straight into my eyes while I look into his.

Remember I said that his eyes were tired and droopy, earlier?

It makes him look sexy.

We end up looking at each other's faces, only remembering our features. Honestly, I still feel a little bit uncomfortable when I'm around him, especially when we're this close but I try to slide it away and just enjoy the moment—enjoy our moment. Without me realising, he has already pulled me closer towards him so that our bodies would collide.

Then, he leans in so that our lips would brush against one another before completely pressing his lips on mine. I respond back with the same rhythm which is slow and meaningful—somehow, our kisses meant something to each other but we manage to only prove and show it through smooches.

We stand in the middle as we share the same kiss we shared a few days ago; not the kiss we shared a few hours ago, where it was shown in public. For some reason, I want to know what's in his head whenever we kiss; does he have everything all mapped out or does he just go with the flow?

Is he naturally this good?

We both pull away, brushing our noses before I feel him pecking onto the side of my cheek, slowly as he pulls back; looking at my face. I open my eyes to find him staring at me, only at me but as my eyes wander around, he starts to cup onto my face, ''Don't. Don't give a damn about them,'' He breathes.

I look back at him, agreeing.

My heart beats at an unstable pace once I see him licking his lower lip which causes me to feel my cheeks heat up immediately. I wonder if I'm the only woman he kissed ever since we knew that we're engaged to one another? I wonder if he have kissed someone else? I keep on wondering.

The music stops playing, only for us to realise that we've been standing here for quite some time. The crowd are whispering something to each other but they don't seem like they're spreading anything negative. Everyone starts to appear in the middle of the ballroom, dancing and having fun to their heart's content while I watch them with a smile on my face.

I learn one thing about marrying a royalty, you've got to keep on smiling. I sigh.

When I turn to look at Emery, I see him talking to a few men but he would glance at my direction for a few seconds while I just eye him from afar. With another sigh, I exit the ballroom and slowly making my way towards the hall that I've come to know—the hallways that I've been going through for the past few weeks of being here.

I enter my room, letting another sigh of relief before closing the door behind me and finally sitting onto the bed—even though I know that the queen has already asked me to go and move into Emery's room in the other hall but I remain myself here, not wanting to jump into things when we're just slowly getting to each other.

Besides, I don't even want to be there.

Not now.


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