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Emery: A Prince's Adventure novel Chapter 24


''Tell your sister to stop,'' I grab Cole onto the arm, making him turn to look at me before frowning in confusion as he stops talking to Finn who is currently taking a few bites from his burger.

''Wow, okay, what happened?'' He asks, concern.

''I've been avoiding her since I came here. She won't stop texting me—I don't even know how the hell she got my number and I don't like it,'' I tell him the truth because something like this can cause issues in the future if not stopped now; I know better, hopefully.

''Man, she's been crying this whole week.'' He replies, glancing at Finn who keeps on eating his food without a single care in the world, ''Just—just keep on doing what you're doing. Ugh, I don't know,'' He sighs.

''Keep on doing what I'm doing? I'm only hurting her and that's far from what I have in mind,'' I furrow my eyebrows in disagreement, ''Look, Cole, she kissed me the night I came here and I've never felt as guilty as I've been feeling this whole week,'' I add, hesitating.

''She kissed you? What the—'' Finn coughs.

Cole looks at me in surprise, ''I didn't know she went that far. S—she won't eat, she won't talk,'' He says.

''I'm leaving tomorrow. Just help me on this one. I'll be leaving the country before you know it,'' I turn to look around at my surroundings, seeing that most of the students here are busy preparing for their tests.

''I thought you're staying for two weeks?'' Finn asks.

''I changed my mind. Besides, I miss home.'' I mutter.

Cole nods his head in understanding before patting onto my shoulder, ''Consider it done. I'll make sure that kiss was the only trouble she caused you,'' He assures me and I smile at him; thankful to have him as a friend who would help me through something.

Just like that, I start to make my way out of campus.

Hannah has been acting different; especially now. She used to be understanding and she has never reacted this way before—but now she's just stressing me out. I'm only trying to protect what the media sees about me because if they get one bad side of me, that'll be the end of it. The end of what people think.

The end of what Emma might think.

She might misunderstood and things would get a little rough for us—we're only trying to make us a better couple; so that we can proceed what we have now. I don't need the media or Hannah to ruin that for me.

This whole week I would consider myself safe.

Why? Well, it's because the media found out that I'm in Australia yesterday—so, they didn't know earlier. Besides, the kiss was never known to the public which is good; safe for me and safe for Emma.

God, why can't I stop thinking about her?

''Mr. Van Allan,'' I turn around to see one of my old professors called out for me, making me stop my steps and wait for him to get near me. The smile on his face shows how he's surprised, ''You're back on campus?''

I smile back at him, ''Just sorting a few things out with my degree—how are you, Professor?'' I ask him.

''All well. I saw you on television and clearly I wasn't expecting you,'' He chuckles in which I join later on.

It surprises me a little that no one has found out that I'm actually the prince of England; not until I got married a few weeks ago. The day of my wedding was like the revelation of my true identity.

''There's a lot of unexpected things,'' I joke.

He laughs for a while, ''Okay, then. I'm heading to the library. Will I be seeing you again anytime soon?'' He used to help me quite a lot in my projects; overall, he's by far the best professor I've ever had.

''I'm leaving tomorrow but of course, we might end up seeing each other in the future. Hope that everything goes on well with you and your new students,'' I reply before smiling again at him—remembering the times when he first entered my class, it was different.

''You're the best student I've ever had, Emery.'' He starts to walk down the sidewalk, ''Remember that,'' Then he chuckles before continuing to leave me standing here all by myself—still smiling.

Best student, huh. That tops it all.

Without further ado, I head home immediately, feel like taking a long nap today; clearing my head from everything that has been bothering me ever since I got here—mostly includes, Hannah.

Once I've entered my apartment, I lay onto the couch before taking my phone out of my pocket and check my notifications. I let out a deep sigh once I realise that there's not a single notification from her.

She has been on my mind from the day I left, I wonder if I'm on her mind too. At least once.

I look at her name in my contacts, hesitating whether I should press call or just let it be. Should I call her or should I just surprise her tomorrow? The same damn question has been playing in my head.

As I place my phone onto my chest, I begin to close my eyes—not realising that I've managed to fall asleep without a single care in the world other than thinking of Emma, obviously, she should be on my mind 24/7. All the time. Every single moment.

The sound of the doorbell ringing interrupts me from my slumber which causes me to grab onto my phone that has fallen onto the ground, looking at the time.

My eyebrows furrow before sighing deeply.

I make my way towards the door, opening it to see the last person that I want to see—Hannah. Without me realising, I am already clenching my jaw; wanting to just close the door and let her be but that's inhumane.

''What do you want, Hannah?'' I ask.

''I came to say sorry. You won't pick up my calls,''

My eyes remain focus onto hers, wanting to seek for lies but then again, I'm terrible at reading people so let's just stop right there. I lean closer towards the door as a sign that I'm probably not going to let her in especially not after what she did that night.


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