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Emery: A Prince's Adventure novel Chapter 32



''I don't need your lecture,'' I say without turning around to look at my mother—who's probably going to start asking me about Hannah and the baby. Then, she's going to ask me about Emma.

''In fact, I don't need anything.'' I add, in anger.

My mother closes the door behind her a little bit too forceful—then, she begins to walk towards me with a frown in between her brows. Her face shows it all; she wants to be mad at me, probably scream and shout but she knows that I'm no longer a kid.

''What happened back in Australia? What happened to my son? I can't believe what I heard from her and that's why I want to hear it from you,'' She looks up at me—straight into my eyes.

''Look, mother. I don't want to be disrespectful but I need to be alone and you out of anyone would truly understand that,'' I say, walking out of the room to leave her standing there by herself as she sighs.

My heart aches to speak like that—but it hurts me more how I'm slowly losing everything. Before I can continue to walk down the hall, I immediately stop my steps as I see Hannah appearing from the stairs, her eyes meeting mine in an instant.

''Fucking hell,'' I mutter to myself.

I roll my eyes in annoyance as I make my way towards the other direction, ignoring her calling out my name because I don't need her here right now. I don't need her at all—she can just leave for all I care.

''Emery!'' She calls out, louder.

Just as I'm about to walk upstairs, I see Emma.

Both of her eyes are looking at me after glancing at someone behind me—Hannah. I don't waste a single second to look at Hannah because I just want to look at my wife; even though I see pain in her.

She's probably going to hate me forever and I intend to change that; just so that I can make her see and feel my sincerity in our marriage, our relationship. Emma and I are going to last until our last breaths, no one is going to stop me or us from achieving that.

Without further ado, I head straight towards Emma and pull her by the hand—leading the way without glancing back at Hannah. She needs to learn her boundaries and she needs to respect me and my marriage. Her coming here is a big mistake.

I close the bedroom door behind us as we enter.

''Let me guess. You want to talk?'' Emma asks.

I turn to look at her; both eyes never leaving hers before glancing down at her stomach—the small bump showing which causes me to sigh deeply.

''Yes. I want to talk,'' I reply as I reduce the distance between us, ''Because there's a lot of things we need to talk about—we need to understand each other better and if we keep on running away, that's not going to solve anything.'' I add, slowly.

''What is she doing here, Emery?'' She asks again.

I frown, ''The baby. She wants me to think that the baby is mine when it's not; I'm sure of it,'' I reply.

''How can you be so sure? She needs to get the paternity test done then we can be sure,'' She says, looking directly into my eyes and I nod; agreeing with her because I know that she's right. That's the only way for me, for us, to know whether the baby is mine or not—she can't fool me.

I lift my hand up to caress the side of her face, slowly making her close her eyes; showing how she's missing my touch and missing me being close to her. We don't want to keep on fighting about this—we need to solve it properly, not with arguing.

''I'm sorry, sweetheart.'' I mutter, softly.


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