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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 270

"The breath you feel is not Huangji sword, but..."

"Shenyang sword!"

The night Xuan looks a little strange."Shenyang sword?"

Hearing the name of the sword, the three ancestors were stunned.Among them, the oldest ancestor's face changed slightly and said solemnly, "is it the sword of the Shenyang patriarch?"

"Master Shenyang?"

The other two ancestors were shocked, and their eyes twinkled with horror."If it's a good surprise, it should be."

Night Xuan slightly nodded his head.From the description of the three, yexuan made a judgment and found that it was not Huangji emperor's sword, but Shenyang sword.That is to say, the sabre of the three ancestors.The Grandmaster of Shenyang is actually the grandson of emperor lietian, named Zhao Shenyang.He is also the leader of huangjixian sect.

At that time, he fell asleep and came back to huangjixianzong.He spent hundreds of years in huangjixianzong.

At that time, Zhao Shenyang was the leader of huangjixianzong.For this little guy, yexuan was quite impressed.Because in some ways, Zhao Shenyang is very similar to lie Tian.For Zhao Shenyang, yexuan also taught a lot.Itcan also be said that most of Zhao Shenyang’s swordsmanship belongs to the night metaphysics.

At that time, Zhao Shenyang was in charge of huangjixianzong.Huangjixianzong was still very powerful.Seeing that huangjixianzong could stabilize the situation, yexuan left.Yexuan is also familiar with the Shenyang sword used by Zhao Shenyang.So you can tell it all at once."Isn't it Huangji emperor's sword?"

There was a trace of disappointment in the hearts of the three ancestors.They thought it was huangjidi sword, but they didn’t expect it was Shenyang sword.In contrast, although Shenyang sword is also terrible, it is totally in two levels with Huangji sword."One day, I will take back the Huangji sword.But this time, I will take back the Shenyang sword."

Yexuan looked calm, but there was no disappointment.He had already guessed that it was impossible for Huangji emperor sword to appear in the ghost Tomb of southern regions.It's great news to get the news of Shenyang sword."Don't underestimate the Shenyang sword.Although the Shenyang sword is not as good as Huangji emperor's sword, it also directly pursues Xuanyuan sword of Xuanyuan sword emperor."

See three old ancestors a face lose of appearance, night Xuan not from pie mouth way.These three old guys are really greedy.It's a good thing to get the news of Shenyang sword, and I don't want to."Is that exaggeration?"

The three ancestors are not convinced.The Xuanyuan sword of Xuanyuan is an immortal weapon.On the other hand, the Shenyang sword of Shenyang has a certain prestige, but it is much worse."Of course."

Night Xuan nodded his head.Others don't know, but he does.The reason why the prestige of Shenyang sword is not as good as Xuanyuan sword is that Zhao Shenyang himself is relatively low-key.He seldom confronts people and is bent on repairing the sword.Because of this, Shenyang sword is not very famous."However, this trip to the ghost tomb in the southern region is as strong as a cloud.Even if Shenyang sword is born, it will be difficult to fight for it at that time..."

"That's a point we were worried about before."

The three ancestors looked at yexuan road.When the ghost Tomb of the southern region opens, most of the forces of the southern region will go there.At that time, it will be a fight.Under the premise of so many strong people, it will be difficult to win the Shenyang sword."Don't worry, it's a small thing."

Night Xuan light a smile, did not put on the heart.When the three ancestors looked at each other, they all saw the color of amazement in each other's eyes."Are you confident?"

Zhou Chaolong looks at the night Xuan, coagulates a voice to ask a way."In my words, I'm invincible, they're free."

Night Xuan slowly way, words envy arrogant.These words suddenly made the three ancestors feel stunned.This guy is so confident."Yexuan, I have to tell you something."

Zhou Chaolong took a deep breath and said solemnly."He said Night Xuan road.Zhou Chaolong solemnly said, "what do you think of the Tianging mountains, which are 100000 Li in circumference?"

Night Xuan indifferent a smile way: "a grain of dust."

Zhou Chaolong nodded slightly and said: "indeed, compared with the southern region, the Tianqing mountain range is just a grain of dust."

"I'm afraid it will be beyond your imagination that there are so many strong people in the south."

"So you know what we mean?"

Zhou Chaolong looked at yexuan and said solemnly.Yexuan, with a deep smile and deep eyes, looked at Zhou Chaolong and said in a slow voice, "what do you think of the southern region and the eastern wasteland?"

The three ancestors were all slightly stunned.Zhou Chaolong said, "compared with the Tianging mountains, the southern region is a vast continent, while the eastern wilderness is a vast universe."

Before Zhou Chaolong’s voice came to the ground, yexuan shook his head."What do you think?"

Chapter 270: It's just a grain of dust  1


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