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Enigma novel Chapter 51

After a few minutes, Zeno pulled me up and dragged me to one of bedrooms right beside the one the others were sleeping.

“You will stay with me in the safe house right?” He asked as he closed the door of the room.

“With you or not. I am to stay in the safe house. Mom doesn’t want me on the battle field and I can understand. I am not fast or skilled enough to fight a demon yet.” I told him.

He looked relieved. He pushed me against the wall and rested his forehead on mine. I scribbled ‘being watched’ on his chest with my fingers.

“I got that part.” He mumbled against my lips.

“This is not the time for this Zeno.” I gritted out.

But the big oaf didn’t listen and closed the almost nonexistent distance between our lips. I was about to push him off roughly when I felt him scribble on my back.

‘What is going on?’ He scribbled as his lips moved on mine roughly.

‘Told you everything I know.’ I scribbled on his chest.

He moved back a little, breathing heavily. He leaned in again and started kissing me softly.

‘Don’t want enemy knowing. That’s why didn’t tell everyone.’ I wrote on his chest.

He squeezed my side in affirmation as he continued to massage my lips with his. He rested his head on my shoulder after a while and hugged me close. I opened my eyes only a fraction as I felt like someone was watching us to only stiffen in fear.

Red eyes were staring at me from outside the window. I closed my eyes again not wanting him to know that I saw the demon and pulled away from Zeno.

“Let’s go. The others must be wondering where we are. Your mom might need you as well.” I told him lightly.

Zeno looked quite taken aback by my tone of voice. It was unusually soft.

“But I want to stay here with you a little while longer.” He said frowning at me.

His eyes were searching my face for some clue. He must have seen the underlined panic in my eyes because he quietly exited the room with me. I entered y room to check on the sleeping ones but there didn’t seem to be any problem. They were safe.

I discreetly glanced at the window to find four more pair of red eyes glowing outside the window of their room. I acted like I didn’t see it. What should I do now? I can’t just leave them here. What if they attacked and took them when I went to get Cassidy? Zeno was looking at me confused.

I need Cassidy. Will she hear me if I called her in my head?

“Cassidy.” I shouted loudly in my head.

But there was no reply. My hands were starting to get clammy from the fear and panic.


A second later the door of my bedroom opened and Cassidy walked in massaging her head and glaring at me.

“Are they sleeping alright?” she asked looking at me pointedly.

Chapter 51- Arabella 1

Chapter 51- Arabella 2


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