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Even After Death novel (Olivia and Ethan) novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219

The confidence in Lincoln’s face faded. He was stunned. He had never seen such an arrogant woman in his life!

He was boiling with anger, but Olivia asking him to foot the bill made him laugh instead.

“Very well! Ms. Linden, I think you shouldn’t bother me anymore. We’ll never work together ever.”

“Don’t, please!” Sophia was anxious. She had been negotiating with Lincoln for a very long time.

She was about to succeed, but Olivia had ruined everything for her.

“It’s all her fault. She doesn’t know anything.

“Please be gracious and forgive us one more time. I’ve planned more interesting activities.

“It’ll be a pity if you leave now. I’ll have her apologize to you.”

Lincoln’s eyes were fixated on Olivia. She was indeed a gorgeous woman.

He gently stroked the back of Sophia’s hand and asked, “What interesting activities?”

Sophia grounded her teeth and took a keycard out of her pocket.

She said, “Mr. Lincoln, I’ve already prepared a place where we can spend the night.”

She initially planned to get Olivia drunk and send her onto Lincoln’s bed. But the situation had spiraled out of her control.

She had no choice.

Lincoln’s eyes narrowed when he saw the keycard.

“Since you’re being so considerate, should we continue with the meal?”

“Of course, let’s eat.”

Sophia reassured him, “I’ll have her apologize to you even if I have to get her drunk”

Lincoln finally stopped in his tracks after Sophia’s words. “Alright. I’ll be looking forward to what you have prepared for me.”

“Please wait for a moment, Mr. Lincoln. I’ll have a word with Olivia.”

“Okay.” Lincoln waved his hand and said, “Please don’t disappoint me, Ms. Linden.”

Sophia dragged Olivia out of the room and pulled her aside to a place with no one around.

She said, “Olivia, since we’re here today, we have to land this deal with Mr. Lincoln.

“As long as you can make him happy, I’ll not hold what happened against you.”

“Why should I make him happy? He’s neither my dad nor my son. Are all your deals secured by making men happy?”

Olivia’s retort put Sophia on the spot.

She glared at Olivia with a look of disbelief and said, “Olivia, this is the workplace, not your school. I’m only guiding you because you have the looks.

“We’re in sales. We need to be adaptable. If you don’t want to land this deal, plenty of others would do it.

“I’ll tell you the truth. Mr. Lincoln was willing to come here tonight because of you. You only have to sleep with him tonight to get him to sign the contract.

“With this, we’ll be able to overtake Team B, and you won’t be fired. It’s a win-win situation.”

She said these words in a nonchalant tone.

Olivia thought it was pathetic. “If I need to sleep with everyone to get results, I would rather get fired.”

“Alright, you can be noble all you want. But if we can’t win over Mr. Lincoln today, we’ll both be in trouble by the end of this



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