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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324 For Ormand’s Life

With Viola’s soothing, Ormand calmed down a lot.

He held her hand tightly as if he had found a place where he could be put at ease.

“Viola, don’t go to Jerry! Don’t agree to his conditions.”

Viola hesitated.

“Viola, promise me! We agreed on this.”

Ormand tightened his grip on her hand, so tightly that, without his noticing, he had left a red mark on her hand.

“I promise I will never marry him, but… I’m sorry.”

The moment Viola’s voice faded, the other hand of hers ruthlessly struck the back of Ormand’s head. She used all her strength to knock him out.

Viola held Ormand in her arms and pressed her face against his forehead, gently caressing him.

Tears slid down from the corners of her eyes and disappeared into her hair without a trace.

Viola murmured, “Sleep, Orin. Leave the rest to me.”

Todd rushed upstairs again. When he saw Ormand in the corner

of the wardrobe, he was shocked. “Ms. Zumthor, why is Mr. Hobson…”

Viola didn’t have the time to explain. She said, “Come here and carry him. Let’s go to the lab.”

Without hesitation, Todd squatted down and took Ormand

from Viola.

In a rush. They arrived at the laboratory. Then Kolby tested Ormand’s physical condition at once.

The atmosphere in the room was solemn.

Kolby frowned and kept sighing. “Ormand’s situation is very bad. The blue potion has failed. What’s worse, it has brought side effects, making the virus spread faster.

“If we don’t quickly use the next blue potion, or if we can’t find the antidote that can completely cure him, he won’t make it for more than one month.”

Todd’s expression changed. “What! Not even a month?”

In the solemn atmosphere, Viola appeared much calmer.

No one saw Viola’s hands hidden in her sleeves. Her nails dug into her palms, making her tone as steady as possible. “Both of you take good care of Ormand. I have something to do and need to go out for a while.”

Coming out of the laboratory, Viola sat in the car and called Jerry.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to call me so soon, Viola. Let me guess. Has the drug lost its effect now?” Jerry said happily.

Viola’s eyes were filled with coldness as she suppressed the anger in her chest.

“Jerry, you are despicable.”

“How am I despicable? I told you long ago, Viola, that you must make a decision as soon as possible. Now that bad

consequences have appeared, I am not responsible for this.”

Jerry sounded joyous. He believed that Ormand must be in a bad situation since Viola called him so anxiously.

Jerry’s mood was exceptionally good.

“Where is the antidote?” Viola held back her urge to kill him.

“So you accept my conditions, right?”

Viola didn’t respond to his question. Instead, she asked, “You don’t even dare to tell me the name of the antidote. Why should I believe that you really know? I have to make sure that you don’t play tricks on me before I promise you anything.”

“Okay, I’ll tell you. Anyway, without me, you won’t be able to get it.”

Jerry gave his answer right away. “The only drug on the market that can cure the biochemical virus, Super 404, is the Super Serum in Portugal.”

Viola narrowed her eyes and silently memorized the name of the medicine.

Jerry continued, “If you consider agreeing to my conditions, come to Portugal to see me. I want to have a different exotic wedding with you.

“But I have to remind you that you are only allowed to come alone. If I know anyone, like Bobby and Bentley, dare to come with you, you will bear the consequences.”

Jerry sounded more and more threatening as he spoke.

Viola tried her best not to sound angry. “I’ll contact you again after I make sure what you said is true.”


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