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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 365

Chapter 365 Who Hid Jerry's Body?

Viola slipped the note back into her pocket and lowered her eyelashes, remaining silent.

Cristina, who was on her seat looking all distressed and painful, struck people as a great mother, even though the one who died was just her adopted son. How kind of her!

Looking at Cristina, Viola appeared a very cold femme fatale by contrast. If Viola really killed someone, then she surely deserved it.

Since the bystanders did not know the truth, they all now sided with Cristina.

"Mr. Martinez was ordered to be sent back to the country by a multinational arrest warrant. He was in the wrong, but he should be brought to trial by the National Bureau of Investigation. As for the defendant, Viola, on the day of the wedding, she killed Mr. Martinez and even took away his body, which, until now, is still nowhere to be found. For such a crazy thing she had done, I request the judge to give her a heavy sentence."

Viola was lost in thought when she heard the lawyer of Cristina, the plaintiff, call her name.

Something in the lawyer's words caught Viola's attention.

Jerry's body was gone?

How could it be...

Viola herself heard Ormand ask someone to send Jerry's body back to the United States so as to give it to the Felton family.

Could it be that the Felton family hated Viola as well and plotted with Cristina against her by hiding Jerry's body?

Viola was confused.

"Your Honor, about the plaintiff's accusation, the defendant has something to say."

Pearce then looked at Viola, "Ms. McGraw, don't be afraid. What exactly happened on the day of the wedding at Florence Cathedral?"

The McGraw family's lawyers had already planned this.

After Viola finished her statement sentimentally as what the note told her, the lawyers would then show the judge Todd's injury identification and a series of evidence.

At that moment, all eyes were on Viola, who was lowering her head as if she was pondering something.

"Ms. McGraw! It's your turn to speak."

Pearce called Viola again to wrench her mind back to the present. Then he signaled to her as if he was saying, "Don't be afraid. Say it.

The judge is fair and just, and he will help you."

Viola glanced at Pearce as if telling him that she understood what he meant.

Pearce wanted Viola to make Jerry take all the blame and live in infamy forever.

By doing that, Viola could survive the suit. As for Jerry, since he was dead, he wouldn't be affected anyway.

But it was Jerry that they were talking about!

Viola simply could not do such a thing to Jerry.

Although Viola did not love Jerry, she respected him before. Moreover, Jerry had never done anything harmful to her.

In Viola's eyes, Jerry did not owe her anything.

Everyone had his own way of loving people. Jerry was no exception.

"Ms. McGraw."

Pearce called out her name for the third time.

Viola came back to her senses and turned to look at Bentley and Russell.

The two looked determined, nodded at her, and raised their eyebrows, signaling to her to stick to the plan.

Viola sighed and spoke in the end.

She looked at Cristina in the plaintiff's seat and asked calmly, "Ms. Martinez, do you know what Jerry likes for food? What does he hate the most? And what is at the top of his wish list?"

"What do you mean?"

Cristina and everyone else were stunned.

All the counsels for Viola were furious. Pearce even broke a pen.

Viola didn't stick to their plan.

Pearce thought, if Host the lawsuit, my bonus would begone, and so is my reputation as the top lawyer in the United States.

But Viola ignored her counsel, despite all the warning glances.

Then she continued, "You don't know all that because, over the past twenty years, you never really cared what he wanted. And since you felt that you owed him, you gave him what you felt was good for him. But by doing that, you only made yourself feel better."

Cristina, slightly startled, felt annoyed about being scolded like that. Therefore, she glared at Viola fiercely.

"It's true that I don't know that. But I could still learn about him if it weren't for you, who had made me lose him for good."

Viola lowered her gaze, ignoring Cristina, and continued, "Unlike you, I know him. When I was young, I liked to go to the Felton's place a lot. I was his follower for those years. I know he was a very single-minded person and would never change his mind.

"His favorite fruits were honeydew and watermelon. He told me that life was bitter. That was why he liked sweet food.

"He didn't like to eat goose liver and any other animal internal organs, no matter how good the chef was. He simply couldn't accept the smell of them.

"The woman he loves the most was me. His lifelong pursuit was to marry me.

*'But I know I can't love him back and marry him. That's why he decided to let go of me on the day of the wedding. But what you are doing now is ruining everything he loved deeply."

Cristina was stunned.

Her eyes met Viola's from afar, and her tears fell all at once.

She knew Jerry was obsessed with Viola.

On the day of the wedding, he blocked the bullet for Viola without hesitation. And for the first time, he glared at Cristina, his mother, and said, "If you kill her, in my eyes, you're killing me as well."

Even if Cristina won the lawsuit today and took down Viola, Jerry would hate her if he knew about it.

At the thought of this, Cristina hesitated.

Noticing the guilt on Cristina's face, Viola's counsels all let out a sigh of relief. With what Viola said just now, maybe they could still get their bonuses for the lawsuit.

However, noticing that Cristina was torn, her counsel approached her and whispered something into her ear.

Cristina widened her eyes in disbelief. Then she, her eyes filled with hatred, looked at Viola once again.


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