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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368 she Is Innocent

So Ormand was thinking about this.

"Are you jealous?" Viola pursed her lips into a smile as her hands gently caressed Ormand's cheeks.

"Well, I'm just a little unhappy."

Ormand looked away gloomily, and the expression on his dark and handsome face seemed to be saying, "I want you to coax me."

Then Viola used her soft voice to coax Ormand, "Orin, you are jealous, but you are still pretending you're not. Aren't you too cute?" Viola held back her laughter and tiptoed to kiss Ormand's thin lips.

Viola continued, "Be good. I also remember your preferences. Since now, I will only remember everything about you and forget everything about others, okay?"

"I hope you can keep your word," Ormand replied with a touching expression.

Viola hurriedly nodded. The two of them hugged each other tightly as they watched the plane carrying Jerry leave.

In the car outside the airport, Todd heard the sound of the plane taking off. He took out the cigarette in his pocket, lit it, and took a deep breath.

The smoke lingered, and Tanya quietly observed Todd's expression while sensing that his mood wasn't very good.

"Todd, do you not want that man to leave?"

Todd took a sharp drag on his cigarette. "He whipped me 130 times in Portugal."

He could not return the beating, so he was unhappy.

Tanya said, "I heard that you beat him many times on behalf of Mr. Hobson. I'm afraid it has paid what you suffered from him, right?"

"That's true. After considering the difference, I think that he has suffered more than me. So let him go," Todd held a cigarette in his mouth and spoke in a magnanimous tone.

Tanya covered her mouth and laughed secretly. Tanya sighed that although Todd was ruthless in his actions, he was still a merciful man. Tanya thought that Todd wasn't a bad person.

The smell of tobacco in the car was strong, so Tanya choked and felt uncomfortable in her nose.

But Todd was seemingly unaware of it and continued to smoke.

Tanya pouted, and her mood instantly turned bad.

As expected, Todd did not have any experience in taking care of people. A girl was in the car. Didn't he know to consider others' feelings when smoking?

Tanya's clear eyes looked cunning, and she suddenly moved closer to take away the cigarette that seemed to have not been burnt out in Todd's hand.

"What are you doing?" Todd looked at Tanya with a puzzled


"It seems that you're very handsome when smoking. I also want to try." Tanya's tone was innocent as she imitated Todd and put the cigarette into her mouth.

"Don't. I already smoked it."

Todd's expression changed greatly. Todd was about to reach out to stop Tanya. But the latter had already held the cigarette in her mouth and smoked it hard. She did not mind that there was Todd's saliva on it at all.

Suddenly, she coughed.

The price of not knowing how to smoke and still smoking hardly was that she choked quite heavily.

Todd patted her back to help her stop coughing. "You're still young. If you don't know how to smoke, then don't learn. This isn't something good."

"Since it's not a good thing, then why do you want to smoke? If it's something you like, I have to learn to like it," Tanya coughed.

Her little face was red from choking, and she stared seriously at Todd with her clear and clean eyes.

Todd was slightly touched. He immediately snatched the cigarette butt from Tanya's hand and threw it away without hesitation. Then, he turned on the warm wind in the car, turned on the outer circle, and scattered the smoke.

"I don't like smoking. I won't smoke again. You are not allowed to learn to smoke."

Tanya obediently nodded while covering the excitement of success in her eyes. She continued to ask, "When did you teach me martial arts?"

"Do you want to learn from me?"

"Of course. As I said, I want to be the sharpest knife in your hand. When you have a mission someday, I want to go with you. I want to help you beat up the bad guys," Tanya answered while looking at Todd seriously.

Todd didn't say anything immediately.

He thought it was just a joke, but he didn't expect Tanya to take it seriously.

"It is not good for a girl to always talk about fighting and killing. But if you want to learn, I can teach you a few simple self-defense skills, and I can also teach you how to use guns."

When Tanya heard that Todd wanted to teach her how to use guns, she was overjoyed. "Todd, you're so good to me. I want to follow you for the rest of my life."

When she finished speaking, she leaned over again while ignoring the interval between the driver and passenger seats. Her hands tightly wrapped around Todd's neck, and she fiercely kissed Todd's cheek.

This was the first time a girl had hugged and kissed Todd, so his

heart skipped a beat.

The soft touch on his skin had not disappeared. His ears were red, and his eyes kept blinking.

After steadying the throbbing in his heart, Todd said, "You... always following me is not the way. You have to tell me your real name.

When you can survive independently, I will send you home."

The hands that wrapped around his neck froze in an instant.

When Tanya let go of Todd, her watery eyes were lowered with sadness. "Do you ... find me annoying? Do you not want to take care of me anymore?"

"No, but I am not your guardian. I have to send you back to your parents," Todd said seriously.

"But I will soon be 20 years old. I am an adult, and I can choose my future life. I want to follow you."

After seeing that Tanya was crying, Todd softened.

But he knew that Tanya was not a girl who belonged to him.

"But I have the right to choose whether I want you or not. And you have never even told me your real name. Who knows how much you are hiding from me?"

After hearing Todd's questioning tone, Tanya panicked. "I didn't hide it from you on purpose. My name is Leia Doyle. I didn't tell you before because 1 hate my father. I don't want to take his surname anymore."

She grabbed onto Todd's clothes as if she had found a trace of comfort. And then she continued to confess seriously.

"Yes, I have something to hide from you... I am not as simple as you think.

"But do you believe in love at first sight? From the moment 1 saw you for the first time when you stepped into my cell, I was fascinated. I like you. So I have been pretending to be stupid recently. I thought I could stay with you forever in that case.

"Raise a cute girl to be with you. when I grow up to be a beautiful woman, you can do everything with me and let me completely belong to you. Isn't that good?"


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