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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 388

Chapter 388 Wake Him Up
“Let them in,” Viola said calmly.
Two bodyguards walked in and bowed respectfully to Viola. “Ms. McGraw, we are sent by Mr. Barnett. He hopes to terminate the contract between Jason and Angle Group. And then we will take Jason back.”
Viola did not answer.
She knew that Michael was trying to help for fear that Jason would bring trouble to Viola.
“It‘s impossible to terminate the contract. Please go back and tell Mr. Barnett that I will stay together with Jason.”
The bodyguards looked at each other.
After all, they were only here to pass the message but had no right to make any decisions. So they could only say, “Then please hand over Jason to us. Let us take him back to Washington.”
But Viola knew Michael so well.
Regardless of whether Jason did that or not, he had caused a lot of bad impact on the Internet and also great losses on the Barnett Group.
The fact that Michael had sent people to bring Jason back made
a fairly clear point.
If Jason was really brought back, he would probably be beaten to death.
“Ms. McGraw?”
The bodyguards whispered as Viola remained silent for a long time.
Viola then acted seriously. “I lost Jason‘s contact. I‘m looking for him right now as well. Tell Mr. Barnett that when I find him, I‘ll definitely teach him a lesson and then send him back to Washington. By then, he will be at Mr. Barnett‘s disposal.”
The bodyguards looked at each other. “We didn‘t find Jason either. We couldn‘t reach him through phone calls as well. We thought he was hiding in your place.”
“Not exactly. I just found out about the news of Jason a few minutes ago.”
“Alright, then we won‘t disturb you.”
Viola nodded and asked Rayna to send the two out.
When the bodyguards had just left, the phone beside Viola rang again.
Viola smiled and shook her head with a helpless expression.
She thought to herself, what is going on today? Why are there so many calls today? They just can‘t let me have some rest, can they?
Viola picked up the phone and checked the note. It was Ormand.
As soon as the call connected, Ormand said in a serious tone, “I saw the news on the Internet. I also saw the announcement from Angle Group.”
“So, you‘re here to persuade me to give up on Jason?” Viola asked.
Ormand was silent for a while before saying from the other side of the phone, “Taven had already helped me find Jason‘s current location. Viola, do you want to go take a look?”
Viola was startled.
She was just about to check Jason‘s location as well but never expected that Ormand was always one step further.
Without waiting for her reply, Ormand continued, “Viola, if you‘re interested, go downstairs. I‘m already in the garage of the Angle Group.”
Viola was completely shocked. “You‘re already downstairs at my company? Never expect you to be so fast!”
Ormand replied with his sexy voice, “Rule number two, Viola‘s matter is always the most important thing. How can I not be proactive?”
Viola was very satisfied and teased, “Orin, you are so considerate. In the future, it seems that I‘ll have to love you more.”
“How about let‘s go on a date tomorrow? I will prepare delicious food for you!”
“Not yet. I‘ll pack up and come down immediately,” Viola replied.
In a few minutes, Viola took the elevator downstairs and saw the familiar car in the garage from afar. Besides the car stood a handsome man who was leaning against the car door.
Seeing Viola come over, Ormand helped her open the passenger door. When Viola got in, he leaned over and helped her fasten her seat belt.
When the two stayed very close to each other, Viola took the
chance and kissed Ormand.
Ormand froze for a moment and then quickly buckled the seat belt. Then Ormand held Viola by her chin, kissing her.
After kissing Ormand, Viola helped him wipe off the lipstick marks on his lips. “You ate all my lipstick. I have to fix my
makeup again.”
“There‘s no need to fix it. You look pretty either way.” Ormand rubbed her face before straightening up and helping her close the car door. Then Ormand got on the main seat.
On the way, Viola asked, “I just found out about this news right at the moment you arrived. When did you start investigating
As Ormand drove, he said seriously, “An hour ago when the news was widely discussed on the Internet.”
“So you sent someone to investigate at that time? Then how can you be sure that I will never give up on Jason?”
“Because I know you well,” Ormand said with a smile.
It was true. Viola drew a clear line between her friends and her enemies. If anyone dared to hurt Viola, she would take revenge for the smallest grievance. She would even fight back ten times harder.
Meanwhile, Viola would spare no effort to protect and help her friends and relatives who were really nice to her.
Not long after, Ormand brought her to Fiver Bar.
Viola was about to go in and catch Jason. But as soon as she
Chapter 388 Wake Him Up
ticarius stepped into the door, she felt sick when she sensed a weird smell mixed with tobacco, wine, and perfume in the bar. Her face turned pale, and Viola ran to the corner and had dry retching
Ormand hurriedly patted her back and took out his phone to call Todd.
“Clear the entire Fiver Bar. Except for Room 3805, the other rooms shall all be empty. Have the waiters do the cleaning within fifteen minutes. They must ensure that there is no weird smell at all.”
Viola shook her head as she gradually recovered. “Forget it. It‘s too troublesome and a waste of time. I‘ll just hold on for a bit.”
“Listen to me. It‘s just 15 minutes,” Ormand said resolutely.
Viola did not argue with him, allowing Ormand to carry her back to the car and put her in the backseat.
She had been busy the whole morning and had not rested. Viola was so sleepy and fell asleep within two minutes when she leaned into Ormand‘s arms.
When Todd finished his job, Ormand had originally planned to go in secretly to find Jason. But as Ormand moved his body, Viola, who was lying on his legs, woke up.
Ormand could only carry her in and go straight to Room 3805.
Todd helped push open the door. There were numerous bottles of wine all over the floor. The smell of alcohol filled the air. After Todd took out the harmless air freshener and sprayed it out for a while, the smell wasn‘t that strong anymore.
Viola covered her nose and had to endure the disgusting smell as she walked in.
They saw Jason lying on the sofa with his entire face flushing. He was already drunk to the point of unconsciousness, and it was obvious that he had drunk a lot before everything happened.
Viola got pretty angry when she saw Jason like that.
She then understood how Jason was tricked, considering he was so drunk. He was completely at anyone‘s disposal.
“Go get a bucket of ice water from the waiter. Let‘s wake him up!” Viola said, suppressing her anger.
Todd quickly replied and brought a bucket of water mixed with ice.
Ormand, on the other hand, sat aside on the sofa in a serious manner, intentionally staying away from Jason to avoid
As soon as the bone–piercing water was poured over him, Jason was so cold that he trembled and was instantly awakened.
He was not entirely sober and started to punch toward the air.
“Who dares to splash water on me! I‘ll kill you.”
Viola crossed her arms and stared at Jason indifferently. She replied, “It‘s me! Viola McGraw!”


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