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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 421

Chapter 421 Something Else Has Happened

The meeting room was in dead silence. All the people became dumb and listened to the lecture obediently with their heads down.

“I have discussed with Ormand about this matter. He will inform the subsidiary to stop this project immediately. As for us, the Cloud project will be slightly changed and will be put into the market again after the noise subsides.”

As soon as Viola finished her words, she said in a domineering tone, “The meeting is over!” She turned around and left.

Walking out of the meeting room, Viola still felt a little nervous, and her legs were a little unsteady.

In fact, it was impossible to find out the whole thing in half an hour. This Jorge Stoneman was just a scapegoat found temporarily.

That was because Viola had to quickly stabilize her employees, put an end to everyone’s discussion on this matter, and propose a solution. Later, she would investigate the real murderer in private and find out the one to deal with secretly.

Perhaps it was because Viola was so angry that all the directors were stunned by her sharp scolding.

Supported by Fernanda, Viola went back to the CEO’s office soon.

Ormand had peeled some tangerines for Viola and put them on a delicate plate, waiting to comfort her.

As soon as Viola came in, Ormand immediately stood up and walked over to her. He held her horizontally to the sofa and fed her the tangerine himself. The tangerine was sweet enough to melt her nervous and uneasy heart.

After Viola ate two tangerines, Ormand asked, “Are you feeling better?”

Viola felt it carefully and said, “Well, I feel much more comfortable.”

Thinking of this incident, Viola became serious and continued.

“We have to find out who is behind this as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will probably cause trouble again as they will think they are lucky.”


The expression on Ormand’s face became serious. “I will give priority to this matter before I get off work today. I will tell you everything before tonight.”

Viola raised her eyebrows and teased Ormand, “What if you can’t explain it to me tonight?”

“I’ll take full responsibility. I’ll bear the economic losses of the McGraw Group, and I’ll be at your disposal.”

Viola couldn’t help but burst into laughter. She gently stroked the face of Ormand and grumbled, “It sounds as if you are not at my disposal if this matter did not happen.”

Ormand was a bit speechless.

“But you have a mission now. You will be more active when you deal with things!”

“Viola, you’re right.” Ormand coaxed with a smile.

After a short chat, the two of them quickly returned to work

Five minutes before getting off work, Ormand stood up and exhaled a long and turbid breath.

Ormand took the laptop to Viola’s desk and showed her the evidence.

The McGraw Group’s information was leaked by Chace.

A few days ago, he was punished by Viola in public, which made him lose face. Ormand was not reconciled. He happened to be involved in the Cloud project, so he sold it to Sammy.

Sammy was not young anymore and hadn’t achieved much. Gregory had begged Javon for a long time to give his son an opportunity.

Last time, Javon personally asked Ormand to put Sammy into the company for training.

Ormand was worried about bringing Sammy to the Hobson Group, so he arranged for Sammy to enter a subsidiary company.

Ormand didn’t expect that Sammy would still be restless in the subsidiary company.

Sammy wanted to take this opportunity to make the two of them have a crisis of trust, to ruin the wedding of the McGraw family and the Hobson family, and to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of her.

Chace and Sammy hit it off and caused this crisis together.

After she listened carefully to the statement of Ormand, Viola’s face turned gloomy.

“Chace, this old bastard, he not only framed others but also stole confidential information from our company, which probably would have caused a loss of nearly tens of millions of dollars. I want him to suffer!”


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