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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 459

Chapter 459 They Won’t Leave Tonight

Viola raised an eyebrow and said in a playful tone, “Can you really help me to vent my emotions?”

Ormand stuck close to Viola’s soft cheek and said in a righteous tone, “I have a miraculous effect.

I’m more effective than any other expensive medicine in the world. Viola, if you don’t believe me, check it yourself.”

After saying that, Ormand leaned over and kissed Viola’s red lips affectionately.

The two kissed as they went upstairs.

When Aracely went downstairs, she saw this sweet scene. She quickly turned around and went back quietly.

Aracely thought it was definitely not a good time to disturb Ormand and Viola now!

Ormand and Viola entered the main bedroom and closed the door. No one else knew what happened next in this room except for the two of them.

At night, Viola finally received a call from Russell.

When the call was connected, Viola did not take the initiative to speak.

Russell kept silent for a few seconds before saying, “Viola, I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

Because Russell had not eaten for a day and night, his voice sounded slightly weak.

“Have you really thought it through?” Viola asked.

Russell said sincerely, “Yes. I was impulsive. The engagement was announced in public, and it was a foregone conclusion. Even if I agreed to give Ronian 20 percent of the company shares, he would probably not agree to let Sherlyn marry me.”

Viola breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s good that you’ve thought it through. Have you thought of any solutions after a day and night?”

“I’ll first find a way to meet Sherlyn. I have to know why she agreed to the engagement in public. If she has changed her heart, I won’t disturb her anymore. If Ronian really has done something to her, I will do everything to take her away.”

Viola sighed. She thought Russell’s plan was only half–right. The latter part of his plan was still too impulsive.

Viola said, “Sherlyn is now the daughter of the Felton family. Take her away? Do you want to elope with her? Do you believe that Ronian will call the police to arrest you?”

Moreover, Ronian himself was a police officer. Thus, his movements would only be even faster.

Russell didn’t know what to say.

When it came to the things related to Sherlyn, it was really hard for Russell to keep rational.

If Ronian really did something to Sherlyn or even hurt her, Russell would go crazy and want to kill Ronian.

Both Russell and Viola fell silent at the same time. It seemed that they were thinking about something.

One minute later, Viola took the initiative and said, “It’s not convenient to talk over the phone. I’ll get the people from the National Bureau of Investigation to withdraw. Come to Viorin first. Let’s meet and talk.”


Half an hour later, Russell arrived at Viorin and knocked on the door.

Todd and Leia were also here. Five people sat on the sofa and helped come up with a solution.

But as soon as they sat down, the living room fell into a long silence. Everyone’s expressions were grim, and no one spoke first.

After a long time, Leia broke the silence.

“Viola, this matter is really hard to resolve. No matter what, Sherlyn is now the fifth daughter of the

Felton family. No matter what Ronian did to Sherlyn, as long as he can explain it properly, it will be very difficult for us to have a suitable reason to interfere in the Felton family’s affairs. It’s even harder to take Sherlyn away or cancel her engagement with the Hacker family.”

Todd also said, “Because Ronian claims that Sherlyn is ill, Sherlyn can’t even leave her room. All her work has been postponed or even stopped. It will probably be very difficult for us to even see her.”

After Todd finished his words, the living room fell into a deathly silence.


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